Peruvian archaeologists found a 3,000-year-old mummy in Lima

Peruvian archaeologists have just discovered a mummy about 3,000 years old in Lima. They confirmed on June 14 that they had found a mummy belonging to an Andean community dating back to before the Spanish occupation of Central and South America.

Students from the University of San Marcos and researchers initially found the mummy’s hair and skull during excavations, before discovering the remains of the mummy.

The remains of a mummy, believed to belong to the Manchay culture that developed in the valleys of Lima between 1,500 and 1,000 BC, are pictured at the excavation site in Lima, Peru on June 14, 2023.


Archaeologist Miguel Aguilar told Reuters the mummy probably belonged to the Manchay culture, which developed in the valleys of Lima between 1500 and 1,000 BC, and was involved in the construction of U-shaped temples. towards the rising sun.

Researchers initially found the remains of the mummy’s hair and skull


Aguilar determined that this mummy “was left behind or sacrificed during the final stages of the temple’s construction. It is approximately 3,000 years old.”

Mummy excavation site


Archaeologists have unearthed other items buried with the mummy, including corn, coca leaves and some seeds that they believe may have been part of the offerings.

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