Each year, a tree in Montenegro undergoes a remarkable transformation, becoming a natural fountain.

Montenegro’s gushing water tree annually transforms into a captivating natural fountain, a mesmerizing spectacle that has enchanted both locals and travelers.

A mulberry tree in Dinoša, Montenegro, turns into a fountain after heavy rainfalls. Photo: Argus News 1, 2

Have you ever seen a tree that can turn into a fountain? Well, there is one in the village of Dinoša, Montenegro, and it is definitely a sight to behold. The Dinoša mulberry tree is a rare natural wonder that gushes water from its trunk after heavy rainfall.

It is thought that spring water from the ground pushes its way through a hollow within the tree. This occurrence was first observed in the 1990s and occurs annually.

Spring water from the ground pushes its way through a hollow within the tree. Photo: Argus News

The Dinoša mulberry tree is believed to be around 100 to 150 years old, and it is located above reservoirs near the bank of a river. The surrounding area has multiple streams that are fed by spring snowmelt, as well as an underground spring. The hollows within the tree act as a natural relief valve for the pressure exerted by the subterranean water source.

After heavy rains, water flows from the tree for a few days as the cavity in the trunk serves to alleviate the pressure stemming from the underground water flow.

Close up of water gushing from the miraculous mulberry tree. Photo: Argus News

The water gushing from the tree reaches a height of approximately 1.5 meters (5 ft), and creates a stunning contrast with the trunk of the mulberry tree.

The locals consider the phenomenon a blessing and a sign of good luck. Some even collect the water for drinking or washing, believing that it has healing properties.

The Dinoša mulberry tree is one of the most fascinating examples of how nature can surprise us with its mysteries and beauty. It is also a reminder of how precious and fragile our water resources are, and how we should respect and protect them.

If you want to see this amazing tree for yourself, you can find Dinoša about 5 km east of the capital Podgorica. But to be lucky enough to witness the tree in action, you have to arrive after a heavy rainfall!

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