One Piece: Oda Reveals The Yokai Forms Of All Gorosei

The Five Elders reveal their true Yokai forms in One Piece.

One Piece’s Egghead Island arc keeps getting more intense with each passing chapter. This story arc has been absolutely sensational for the fans, especially its very climax. The war on Egghead is raging on as the Buster Call continues as well, with Luffy being at the center of it all, along with the powerful Five Elders. In the previous chapter, fans saw a shocking turn of events, when Saint Saturn used his incredible powers to call the Five Elders to where he was, and it was quite clear to the fans that they would inevitably end up seeing the true power of the remaining Gorosei in One Piece 1110.

That is precisely what ended up happening in this chapter, and now, after years upon years of waiting, the true power and the Yokai forms of the Five Elders have finally been revealed by Oda.

The Five Elders Arrive on Egghead

Saint Saturn was the first member of the Five Elders to be sent to Egghead. This was revealed to the fans at the beginning of the Egghead Island arc, as soon as the marine ships started closing in on this particular island. Saint Saturn’s arrival on Egghead made quite a lot of sense. Given that he is a member of the Gorosei, he would be absolutely needed on Egghead, especially because he would be even about Vegapunk in terms of the command hierarchy of the Pacifistas, which also includes the Seraphim.

As such, a member of the Five Elders was absolutely necessary on Egghead. As to why Saturn was chosen himself, this is simply down to the fact that Saturn is the Godhead of Defense Science, and that in itself means that he would be the best one suited to go to the island of the future, which is a very technologically advanced place. Both Saturn and Vegapunk are scientists, and he knows him the best. As soon as fans sW Saturn arrive on Egghead, it became quite clear to them that he would, at some point in the story, engage in battle. Much to the surprise of the fans, Saturn arrived on head quite early, and as soon as he did, he took his powerful Ushi Oni transformation.

Saturn has been seen engaged in combat ever since, and he has done incredibly well so far, even though he has taken quite a lot of blows. His powers are mesmerizing, and he even held his own against Luffy, which is nothing short of impressive. In fact, Saturn has barely taken any damage so far, and that makes him far more impressive than Kizaru, for instance.

While all this was really intriguing, what surprised the fan even more was that Saturn, in a desperate attempt to stop Vegapunk’s message from coming out, managed to use a summoning circle that conjured all Five Elders on Egghead. In One Piece chapter 1110, all Five Elders were seen leaving the room of authority in the Pangea Castle of Marijoa, and arriving on Egghead.

The Yokai Forms Of The Gorosei

From the very beginning of the chapter, fans got to see the Yokai forms of the Gorosei. The very first thing that fans need to note is that Oda does not mention the Devil Fruit names of the Gorosei. This might be a clear implication that the Gorosei do not possess Devil Fruit abilities at all. Instead, they possessed Yokai powers that have likely been bestowed upon them by none other than Imu. The Gorosei are incredibly powerful, and their Yokai forms look extremely intimidating.

Starting with Saint Saturn, he has not been confirmed to have the Yokai power of the Gyuki. Essentially, the Gyuki is the same as the Ushi Oni. These names can be used interchangeably, and they both have the same power. Fans have seen Gyuki utilize the power of invisible attacks that hit the enemies out of nowhere, and of course, the power to hold them at one place using some sort of paralysis as well. He can also coat himself in deadly poison, and above all, regenerate as if nothing happened to him even when he takes tremendous damage.

Then comes Marcus Mars. Fans know this member of the Five Elders to have the power of Itsumade. This is a Yokai from Japanese folklore that looks like a bird. Marcus Mars was seen transforming into an absolutely massive bird in One Piece chapter 1110. He went straight for the Labophase, and attacked it with his giant form. Mars completely engulfed the Labophase, however, the laser barrier around it stood strong, at least for now.

Warcury, who fans know to be the Elder named after the first planet, was revealed to have the Yokai form of Houki. Houki is a giant boar with four tusks and this massive boar is incredibly resilient, as well as powerful. In terms of physical strength, he might be the strongest of the Five Elders. He was seen ravaging across Egghead in One Piece chapter 1110, and his strength is such that none can stop him in his path. Houki likely has other abilities up his sleeve as well, and fans will surely find out more about him later down the line.

After Houki comes Ju Peter. Fans no Ju Peter to be a giant Sand Wyrm. This is a rather curious choice by Oda, and one that not many people would have predicted. This Sand Wyrm is absolutely massive, and capable of swallowing nearly anyone. Jupiter can dig into the earth, and then emerge from underneath his targets. In One Piece chapter 1110, he used this ability and came from underneath Luffy, completely engulfing him in the process. He would have eaten Luffy, had it not been for the Giants of Elbaf. Dorry and Brogy chopped his head off. However, this isn’t much of a surprise to the fans, given that he can certainly regenerate.

Finally, the last member of the Goroei, V. Nusjuro was revealed to have the power of the Bakotsu. The Bakotsu is a giant skeleton stallion with tremendous powers. Nusjuro was seen taking his beast form, and later, even his hybrid form. In his hybrid form, he had the upper half of his own body, and the lower half of a skeleton stallion. He wields his giant sword in one hand and in the blink of an eye, he was seen getting rid of half the Pacifistas on Egghead Island. Clearly, Nusjuro is an incredibly powerful individual the likes of which cannot be stopped by many. Nusjuro is also a great user of Haki, as was seen in the chapter. At the same time, he has the power to generate ice, which in itself means that anything that he hits gets turned to ice within seconds.

Clearly, the Five Elders are incredibly overpowered, and over the course of the next few chapters, fans are surely going to see a lot from them. Oda will make sure to explore their powers more in the upcoming chapters and that is certainly exciting for all fans to see.

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