Reaching New Heights: Brazilian Air Force’s Embraer C-390 Millennium Fleet Clocks 10,000 Flight Hours Milestone.

Compared to other military transport aircraft in the medium airlift category, the C-390 Millennium carries a greater payload, capable of handling 26 metric tons (approximately 57,300 pounds). Furthermore, it outpaces its counterparts with a maximum speed of 470 knots and has an extended range. These features enable it to perform a wide array of missions, including logistic transportation, aerial cargo and troop delivery, aeromedical evacuation, search and rescue, firefighting, and humanitarian aid operations. Notably, the C-390 can execute these missions from both paved and unpaved runways, expanding its operational flexibility.

General (AF) Marcelo Kanitz Damasceno, Brazilian Air Force Commander, expressed his pride in the KC-390 Millennium’s achievements: “From design to conception, the KC-390 Millennium from Embraer, a world-class Brazilian company, has made us very proud. It is through this aircraft that our Brazilian Air Force has already carried out – and continues to do so – a wide range of transport missions, whether in Brazil during the Covid-19 operation or overseas, in missions such as bringing Brazilians home from Ukraine and Israel and performing aerial resupply in Antarctica. Celebrating this milestone of 10,000 hours flown by the KC-390 represents the commitment and dedication of the Brazilian Air Force and Embraer. With its exceptional performance and proven versatility, the KC-390 has become the Brazilian Air Force’s primary air mobility aircraft. We are proud to be part of this achievement and to be part of the global recognition the aircraft has received as well. Congratulations to everyone involved in this successful journey.”

Bosco da Costa Junior, President & CEO of Embraer Defense & Security, emphasized the aircraft’s prominence in the FAB’s air mobility: “The C-390 has been demonstrating its capabilities and reliability on a daily basis. With outstanding performance in a wide range of missions, this multi-mission platform has become the mainstream of FAB’s air mobility. The operational excellence of the C-390 is calling the attention of many Air Forces around the globe.”

The Embraer C-390 Millennium, a medium-size, twin-engine, jet-powered military transport aircraft, is the heaviest aircraft ever constructed by Embraer. Its development began in the mid-2000s, with the aim of creating a pure jet propulsion aircraft of similar size to the Lockheed C-130 Hercules. The C-390 has successfully demonstrated air-to-air refueling capabilities during operations with the Brazilian Air Force, supporting various fighter aircraft. It can also receive fuel from other KC-390 aircraft using pods under the wing. Beyond Brazil, Portugal and Hungary, both NATO countries, have ordered the C-390, and it has been selected by the Netherlands, Austria, and the Czech Republic as well. This global recognition further underscores the aircraft’s significant role in modern military aviation.


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