¿Ha caído el consejo de una ciudad de Sus𝑠e𝑥 bajo el hechizo de SCIENTOLOGY?

La oportunidad de codearse con estrellas de Hollywood y  miembros de la realeza  en los estrenos de películas estaría más allá de los sueños de la mayoría de los funcionarios del consejo local o de los escribanos. Pero para aquellos que representan a la tranquila ciudad comercial de East Grinstead en Sus𝑠e𝑥, asistir a ostentosos eventos de celebridades y conocer a celebridades se considera un beneficio del trabajo.

Tomemos, por ejemplo, la foto de la profesora de yoga y ex alcaldesa de East Grinstead, Julie Mockford, ‘simplemente relajándose’ con su ‘amigo’  Tom Cruise  en una película de Misión: Imposible ambientada en 2018.

O más recientemente, la foto del actual alcalde de East Grinstead, Frazer Visser, con Cruise el año pasado. “Tuve la inolvidable experiencia de asistir al estreno de la nueva película de Tom Cruise Misión: Imposible en Leicester Square, junto con algunos alcaldes anteriores”, dijo.

Nadie querría robar a los dignatarios cívicos momentos de celebridades, pero esas oportunidades fotográficas están empezando a llamar la atención.

Porque Tom Cruise, por supuesto, está muy involucrado con la Cienciología, que lleva mucho tiempo establecida en East Grinstead. Y la acogedora relación entre los cienciólogos y los políticos locales está causando una creciente preocupación entre los críticos y los miembros del consejo.

La iglesia de Scientology ha tenido una base en East Grinstead desde que L. Ronald Hubbard compró Saint Hill Manor en las afueras de la ciudad en 1959. La casa de campo georgiana sirvió como su sede mundial hasta 1967 y todavía desempeña un papel importante en su operación global.

El actual alcalde de East Grinstead, Frazer Visser (derecha), se reunió con Tom Cruise en el estreno de Mission: Impossible en Leicester Square en julio del año pasado.


Afirman que los concejales de ciudades, distritos e incluso condados son “aprovechados” por los cienciólogos en el momento en que son elegidos, mientras que el alcalde queda deslumbrado y lo hacen “sentir como si fuera  Sadiq Khan “.

Alegan que los cienciólogos utilizan halagos e incentivos para aumentar su influencia sobre el consejo, y se teme que algunos consejeros puedan simpatizar con la controvertida religión.

El Ayuntamiento de East Grinstead negó anoche que hubiera una relación inapropiada entre los concejales y cualquier “grupo comunitario”, y dijo que toda la hospitalidad que recibe de dichos grupos se declara correctamente.

Por su parte, la Iglesia de la Cienciología, considerada una “secta anticonstitucional” por el gobierno alemán (aunque no ha sido prohibida), dijo que ha estado “profundamente involucrada” en la vida de East Grinstead durante décadas y que sólo busca “mejorar las cosas para todos”.

Un portavoz añadió: “Sugerir que hay algo malo en que una organización religiosa haga esto o trabaje estrechamente con funcionarios electos y muchas otras personas de buena voluntad no sólo es ridículo, sino que es francamente intolerancia”.

Scientology sostiene que es un movimiento religioso genuino.

Cualquiera sea el caso, una investigación del Mail ha establecido que los cienciólogos ciertamente se han involucrado en los asuntos de los políticos locales en East Grinstead en un grado considerable.

Representantes del consejo local han asistido a varios eventos de Scientology; el controvertido líder de la iglesia, David Miscavige, recibió una visita guiada por las oficinas del consejo; el servicio de bomberos local ha estado utilizando la sede de los cienciólogos para su formación y la iglesia le ofreció 50.000 libras esterlinas; y los cienciólogos participaron en la ceremonia de encendido de las luces navideñas de East Grinstead, así como en la celebración de la coronación del rey Carlos.

Por supuesto, la iglesia es una organización grande y, como tal, se puede esperar que participe en la vida cívica de la ciudad donde tiene su sede.

Pero a los ojos de algunos también es profundamente polémico.

Scientology es un conjunto de creencias y prácticas ideadas por el escritor de ciencia ficción L. Ron Hubbard, quien fundó la iglesia en 1952.

Sus acusadores dicen que es un negocio ávido de ganancias más que una religión, y cobran grandes sumas de dinero a sus miembros por cursos de “superación personal”.

The Church’s controversial leader David Miscavige has been given a guided tour of council offices

The Church of Scientology allowed West Sus𝑠e𝑥 Fire and Rescue to use Saint Hill’s grounds for training, although the fire service did turn down its offer of a £50,000 donation

Its ‘revelations’ about existence include the claim that Earth was populated 75million years ago by billions of extra-terrestrials led by Xenu, a ruler of a ‘Galactic Confederacy’, who then annihilated every living soul on Earth – or ‘Teegeeack’, as the planet was then known – by dropping them into volcanoes before blowing them up with hydrogen bombs.

Their spirits are said to adhere to humans, and to be the source of many of our problems.

The church has faced accusations of exploitation and abuse from former members, as well as ‘brainwashing’, although has always denied all such allegations, arguing that it is unfairly misrepresented and maligned.

In September last year, the US actor Danny Masterson, a former Scientologist, was sentenced to 30 years in prison for rape. He was a member of the church when he committed the offences in 2003, and prosecutors alleged he used his prominence in the organisation – the two women he was found guilty of raping were also members – to avoid facing justice for decades.

Scientology officials have denied ‘scandalous allegations that the church harassed the accusers’, saying the claims have been ‘debunked’ and that portions of the Masterton trial testimony regarding the organisation were ‘uniformly false’.

Meanwhile, in the US, David Miscavige is facing a lawsuit on behalf of three former members of the church accusing him of trafficking them into his organisation as children and forcing them to work for little to no pay. The church and Miscavige have repeatedly denied the allegations.

The church has had a base in East Grinstead ever since L Ron Hubbard bought Saint Hill Manor, surrounded by 60 acres, just outside the town in 1959. The attractive Georgian country house served as its worldwide head-quarters until 1967 (it is now in Florida) and still plays a significant role in its global operation.

Why East Grinstead? Despite talk of the area’s ley lines – ancient alignments in the landscape believed to have spiritual significance – the most likely explanation is that the town is just an hour on the train from London and close to Gatwick airport.

And the house came up for sale at a moment the Scientologists were intent on expansion beyond America. Tom Cruise is a frequent guest at Saint Hill, while Grease star John Travolta, another prominent Scientologist, made headlines when he tried to book a table for his entourage at a nearby branch of KFC.

Scientology’s presence in East Grinstead largely goes unnoticed by residents, but campaigners and council insiders increasingly fear local dignitaries are excessively in thrall to the church’s money and celebrity potential.

Scientology is a set of beliefs and practices dreamt up by sci-fi writer L Ron Hubbard, second right, who founded the church in 1952. The writer pictured here with his wife Mary and four children Suzette, Quentin, Arthur and Diana in 1959

Scientology’s presence in East Grinstead largely goes unnoticed by residents, but campaigners and council insiders increasingly fear local dignitaries are excessively in thrall to the church’s money and celebrity potential

For it was not just town mayor Frazer Visser who attended the Mission: Impossible premiere. (He’s described the church as a ‘valued and large part of East Grinstead’.) Three representatives of the town’s county and district councils were also pictured at the May 2022 premiere of Top Gun: Maverick, which was attended by the then Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, William and Kate.

Sujan Wickremaratchi, the vice chair of West Sus𝑠e𝑥 County Council, posted photographs of the event on social media alongside the comment: ‘Great to see Tom Cruise and the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. Walking on the red carpet with my daughter was just wow.’

Rex Whittaker, a former mayor of East Grinstead who is now a Mid Sus𝑠e𝑥 councillor, also attended. Mr Wickremaratchi declined to comment when approached by the Daily Mail, and Julie Mockford, a current Mid Sus𝑠e𝑥 councillor, did not respond to requests about her time with Cruise on the Mission: Impossible set. Nor did Mr Whittaker.

Nothing wrong with that, many will say. But such largesse from the church appears to be part of a pattern. Back in 2012, it was accused of ‘grooming’ City of London Police officers with gifts worth thousands of pounds – including invitations to film premieres – ahead of the opening of a new central London Scientology headquarters. Again, the church denied it had done anything wrong.

In the late 2000s, MPs expressed concerns that the church had made donations of thousands of pounds to both the Labour and Tory parties as part of an extensive lobbying operation to promote its drug treatment programme, Narconon. The church said informing MPs about its programmes was ‘a responsibility of ours’ and maintains that Narconon is effective.

Meanwhile, in East Grinstead, local apparatchiks appear to be devoting a significant amount of time to Scientology events.

This includes the annual gathering of the International Association of Scientologists, which sees thousands of members flock to Saint Hill each year to hear Mr Miscavige speak. Last year’s event, held from November 3 to 5, was attended by representatives of Mid Sus𝑠e𝑥 and West Sus𝑠e𝑥 councils, as well as the current mayor and five former mayors of East Grinstead.

Mims Davies, the minister for disabled people, health and work, also attended, telling this newspaper it was in her role as local MP: ‘Doing so doesn’t convey my support beyond my gratitude for money raised in aid of numerous local good causes passed on at this event which takes place every year.’

Mayor Frazer Visser gave a speech and took to the stage to receive a £50,000 donation for the local Queen Victoria Hospital where he works as a medical photographer, according to his LinkedIn page.

There is, of course, no suggestion he or any attendees of the event did any wrong.

Mr Visser also switched on Scientology’s Christmas lights at Saint Hill on November 25. He said he has attended around 100 events for ‘all types of organisations, communities and groups’ as mayor, adding: ‘Only three of which were hosted by the Church of Scientology and open to the general public.’

Records show that nine current or former East Grinstead councillors plus a clerk have accepted gifts or hospitality from Scientology since 2019, with each of these declared as worth more than £40. A church representative also attends every full council meeting, which are of course open to interested members of the public.

Anti-Scientology protesters at the entrance gates of the Church’s UK headquarters in East Grinstead last November

Scientology leader Mr Miscavige was given a guided tour of the beautiful Grade II-listed, 18th century mansion that serves as the council’s headquarters and he even offered to pay for a set of sash windows that needed replacing.

In keeping with the community spirit, the church also allowed West Sus𝑠e𝑥 Fire and Rescue to use Saint Hill’s grounds for training, although the fire service did turn down its offer of a £50,000 donation.

Such is the concern among some in the community that they have described Scientology as ‘having a grip’ over the town council and said the church’s involvement with public events means they are ‘practically partners’.

Alexander Barnes-Ross, a former Scientologist turned campaigner against it, said: ‘If you look at Scientology policy, it is very clear that the goal isn’t to help the local community, it’s to assert control over the local government and influence decision makers.

‘That is exactly what Scientology has been trying to do since they set up shop in East Grinstead in 1959. Now it has got to the point that it is so embedded in the local councils that it is starting to get very worrying.’

He added: ‘The majority of the council are basically under the influence of Scientology.

‘If it isn’t stopped now this control will grow over the coming years and it’s only a matter of time before they have someone in a position of authority.’

These claims are unlikely to cut much ice with public servants such as former town mayor Dick Sweatman, who is now a Mid Sus𝑠e𝑥 councillor.

Judging by emails obtained under the Freedom of Information Act, Mr Sweatman is happy to help the Scientologists when appropriate – he inquired, for instance, about having a road closed on behalf of the church after it became apparent that protesters were planning to hold a rally outside Saint Hill.

Why shouldn’t he, he asks – explaining that he made his inquiries to find out who the church should best speak to about the road closure, and that he would ‘point anybody in the right direction’ in similar circumstances.

Nor is it the first time he has offered his assistance.

A former chair of the district planning committee, he has been involved in decisions when Saint Hill was granted permission for major building work, including in one case a 2017 retrospective application that angered locals, who claimed it had brought noise and light pollution and what they said was the destruction of wildlife habitats.

There is no suggestion that Mr Sweatman did anything wrong. Mr Sweatman has featured in slick Scientology PR videos and in one of them says the town is ‘extremely grateful to the church’.

READ MORE: How ‘overprotective’ Katie Holmes saved her daughter from Scientology: Suri, 17, blossoms into a ‘smart and independent’ teen after actress broke free of controversial religion – while Tom Cruise has ‘no part’ in her life

He is not alone in thinking so, given that others – including former mayor Julie Mockford and two other councillors – were happy to feature in the same video. Another former mayor, Rex Whittaker, is in it too, standing next to Mr Miscavige at a Saint Hill event.

‘Saint Hill has given us nothing but support,’ enthuses one Mid Sus𝑠e𝑥 councillor who thanks the church in the video for its friendship and warmth, saying it is ‘greatly appreciated’.

And yet, the question remains. Are the councillors too close to the church?

Indeed, East Grinstead council has now been accused by Scientology critics of censorship. Earlier this year, it removed a section of a recorded town council meeting in which members of the public raised concerns about its relationship with the church.

The council insisted this was done for legal reasons ‘to protect those individuals making the allegations’, but critics are unconvinced.

Mr Barnes-Ross, who joined the church in 2011 aged 15 and left in 2014, is the first British former member to speak out in more than a decade. He said the councillors’ ‘close relationship’ with the church is deeply worrying and their heads were being turned by celebrity events.

‘Scientology is looking for any sort of claim to legitimacy. They play the long game,’ he said.

‘They basically took over the town of Clearwater in Florida,’ he said, adding that they have bought up many buildings in the area. ‘They started very slowly and supported the campaigns of Scientology-friendly council candidates. They’re doing exactly the same thing here in East Grinstead.’

Un portavoz del consejo de East Grinstead insiste en que no pasa nada: ‘Los concejales interactúan en un año con muchos de sus grupos comunitarios… Los grupos comunitarios a menudo se ofrecen como voluntarios para ayudar con la organización de eventos en la ciudad y la Iglesia de Scientology también lo ha hecho. No han formado parte de la organización de ningún evento.’

En cuanto a la propia iglesia, desestimó las afirmaciones del señor Barnes-Ross e insistió: “Apoyamos a nuestros concejales locales en el desempeño del servicio público, ya que dedican gran parte de su tiempo a servir a su ciudad y condado y merecen apoyo en lo que hacen”. . No sabemos que asistir a una recaudación de fondos benéfica en Saint Hill se considere un “beneficio”, pero no nos sorprende que sea un evento agradable”.

Aún más agradable para los concejales será la próxima oportunidad para fotografiarse en la alfombra roja con Tom Cruise.

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