Discovering the intact mummy of a 1,000-year-old infant

Archaeologists said they have just discovered a mummy of an infant more than 1,000 years old at the Puruchuco ruins, Lima, Peru.

According to news from  Daily Mail , this newborn baby’s mummy was discovered during a terrain survey to prepare for a new Peruvian road project.

The baby’s corpse is almost intact.

After being excavated, the baby’s mummy was quickly transferred to the museum for preservation and to facilitate research.

This mummy was determined to be that of a baby who lived before the Inca period. According to some archaeologists, the reason the relatives embalmed the baby was because they loved the baby so much and were in pain over the baby’s premature death.

The above mummy is among dozens of newly discovered mummies in a hillside area on the outskirts of the capital Lima

During the survey, scientists also discovered 26 other ancient tombs. Mummies in ancient tombs of both children and adults.

Archaeologist Guillermo Cock, a member of the research team in Lima, said that so far 40 mummies have been found and the number is increasing.

The team of experts found 26 graves containing both children and adults

“What is surprising is that the mummies are still quite intact. We were very surprised,” he added.

It is known that over the past 60 years, the Puruchuco cemetery has been regularly excavated, discovering many ancient tombs with about 2,000 mummies. Recovered many types of ceramics, hundreds of pieces of textiles and ancient bronze, silver and gold coins. Earlier this year, scientists in this country found a mummy with one eye intact.

The above grave site is located near Puruchuco-Huaquarones, the largest cemetery of the Incas

Currently, archaeologists are continuing to search and excavate many tombs to learn about the lives and mummification secrets of the ancients.

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