Creepy with the beauty of death through… remains

Photographer Paul Koudounaris has traveled around the world photographing remains to honor the beauty of… death.

In the latest book by American photographer Paul Koudounaris, he said he wanted to give viewers a different perspective on death through remains from centuries ago.


Bringing the message to viewers that human beauty is endless even after they die. Paul Koudounaris has traveled around the world and taken beautiful photos of skeletons and mummies “made up” and arranged differently according to each country.These remains will be dressed in clothes and jewelry according to their religious customs when they were alive.


The most “modern” skeleton wears both sunglasses and a beanie.


A basement contains thousands of skeletons of people who were “martyrs” many years ago.


In the Czech Republic, skeletons are meticulously arranged. This is also the place that inspired photographer Paul Koudounaris to create the photo series “the beauty of death”.


Memento mori is the title of the book, which in Latin also means: The remembrance of death. To remind everyone that: All lives will end in death.


“Death is part of life. Time will cause all living things to return to dust whether they like it or not.


“No matter who you are, you can’t live forever.”00:0000:0800:45close. close


“When these people die, everyone forgets what they contributed to life. So I want to connect the spiritual connection between these people together again.”“Most people are scared when faced with these remains, but I feel extremely excited and excited.”“Death is simply the heart stopping beating, the blood stopping flowing and the body ceasing to function.”“No matter how you die. Choosing a place to die like in America, England, Italy is the same everywhere.”


“For me, death is a bridge between people in this world and souls in the afterlife.”From a religious point of view, death is just the soul leaving the body to go to Heaven to meet God or to Hell to meet the King of Hell.


A church in Southern Italy contains hundreds of remains of ancient monks.Many remains were brought to Catholic churches across Europe to mark the early days of the religion.One remains still retains the frightened expression on its face when it died.A nun still has her appearance, expression and charisma intact even after hundreds of years.


A psychological study said: People who live in religion when they are always reminded about death often have a lighter and more stable mentality when facing death.

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