The discovery of a 3,000-year-old “golden city” in Egypt surprised scientists

A “lost” Egyptian city was found this year. Researchers say this is “the second most important archaeological discovery since Tutankhamun’s tomb”.

Aten is referred to as “the second most important discovery since Tutankhamun”. Photo: GETTY

In recent times, a series of discoveries in Egypt have been made, which could rewrite the ancient history of the land. The first was the body of a nobleman, discovered two years ago. Dating around 4,000 years old, this is one of the oldest Egyptian mummies discovered to date.

Mummies have existed since the Old Kingdom, but through analysis, scientists were surprised by the sophistication of the mummification process as well as the materials used. Professor Salima Ikram, head of the Egyptology department at the American University of Cairo, told the Observer last month: “If this is indeed a mummy from the Old Kingdom, all the books on the mummification process and history The history of the Old Kingdom will need to be revised”.

Besides, an excavation was carried out in April this year, which was dubbed “the second most important archaeological discovery since Tutankhamun’s tomb” by Betsy Bryan, Professor of Egyptian Art and Archeology at Johns Hopkins University.

Scientists have found the largest ancient city in Egypt, buried under sand for millennia. Renowned Egyptologist Zahi Hawass has confirmed the discovery of the “forgotten city of gold”, near Luxor, the Valley of the Kings. Archaeologists say: “The Egyptian expedition, under the direction of Dr. Zahi Hawass, found the lost city under the sand. The city is 3,000 years old, dating back to the reign of Amenhotep III, then Tutankhamun and Ay”.

Named after the Egyptian sun god Aten, the ancient city appears to be perfectly preserved. Excavations at the site first began in September 2020, under the direction of Dr. Hawass. The team excavated between the temples of Ramses III and Amenhotep III near Luxor, about 500 kilometers south of Cairo. They discovered the golden city by accident while searching for the ruins of the temple of Tutankhamum, commonly known as King Tut.

Dr Hawass said in a statement: “This is the largest administrative and industrial settlement of the era of the Egyptian empire. Walls up to 3 meters high were found intact, in addition to The room is filled with living utensils left behind by ancient inhabitants, as if it were just yesterday!”

Ms Bryan added that the discovery “will give us another glimpse into the life of ancient Egyptians at a time when the empire was at its richest”.

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