Ancient Burial Chambers Decorated With Mythological Figures Of Hercules, Medusa, Eros – Unearthed In Bursa, Turkey – A few months ago, a sarcophagus at an olive grove, belonging to the Late Antiquity period, was discovered in Turkey’s western Bursa province.

Sarcophagus found in western Bursa Province, Turkey, earlier in Sptember 2016. Credits: DHA Photo

Archeologists have studied of the sarcophagus and dated it to the second century AD.

Made out of marble, the sarcophagus has two antefixes on both sides, each of which have five lion’s heads and weigh six tons.

Now, three more ancient burial chambers from the Late Antiquity period have been discovered in an olive grove in Bursa province. The sarcophagi were reportedly found in an olive grove belonging to Hatice Süren near the Hisardere district, 5 kilometers (3 miles) away from İznik’s (Nicea) town center.

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Experts consider the possibility that the area could be an ancient necropolis – a large and ancient cemetery with elaborate burial chambers.

Sarcophagus unearthed in western Bursa Province, Turkey, earlier in Sptember 2016. Credits: DHA Photo

Especially, because yet another sarcophagus belonging to a queen was found near the area in 2015. It was dated to the Late Antiquity period and weighed 7 tons.The grove had previously been damaged by treasure hunters, who found one tomb and tried to unearth it; they most probably searched for gold and other valuable artifacts, they thought would be inside.

The new sarcophagi reportedly feature covers with unique reliefs of Eros covered in lotus flowers and figures with lion’s heads. The area where the tombs were found has historically been referred to as the Bithynia region, which was a Roman province from the fourth century B.C.

Burial chambers previously discovered in the region also had depictions of mythological figures, such as the Greek god of love Eros, as well as Hercules and Medusa.

The sarcophagi reportedly weigh between 4 to 6 tons and are estimated to be between 1,800 to 2,000 years old. 

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