Know more about Peace Lily varieties.

As many know, Peace Lily is often associated with serenity and tranquility. And they also offer memories and comfort symbols. Moreover, Peace Lily has much love and is often found in private residences and public facility areas. Below, you will see the types of Peace Lily that make you fall in love.

Peace lily bongo bongo

This Peace Lily Bongo Bongo has an eye-catching appearance. The leaves on this type of peace lily are about 10 to 12 inches long. In addition, the surface of the leaves has prominent ‘lines’. The bold and beautiful look at Peace Lily Bongo Bongo makes anyone interested in making it a decoration in the home or office.

Sensation Peace lily

Spathiphyllum Sensation is a truly sensational plant. You can use it for a gift that will make you happy. This variegation was really eye-catching wherever you place the plant. This type of Peace Lily can grow well in direct sunlight resulting in higher variegation.

Peace lily white stripe

The beautiful finish of the Peace Lily White Stripe makes anyone fall in love. The leaves have a green color with white stripes in the center. Place this peace lily in a room with a temperature of 60 to 85 F and a humidity of about 50%.

Domino Peace lily (Spathiphyllum hybrid)

The Peace Lily Domino’s beautiful appearance and this plant with a relaxed accent is quite good for your residence and office. The pampering appearance of this type of plant offers disheveled green foliage with a pattern of magnificent white stripes. You can water Domino when the top of the soil is dry. Avoid overwatering because Peace Lily is sensitive.

Picasso Peace lily

The Peace Lily Domino’s beautiful appearance and this plant with a relaxed accent is quite good for your residence and office. The pampering appearance of this type of plant offers disheveled green foliage with a pattern of magnificent white stripes. You can water Domino when the top of the soil is dry. Avoid overwatering because Peace Lily is sensitive.

Picasso Peace lily

Like Picasso’s work, Picasso’s Peace Lily has abstract color variations. Green and white shades further enliven the appearance of Peace Lily which has many fans. Fairly broad and glossy leaves present random cavities of green chlorophyll cells giving them a fresh white color.

Spathiphyllum wallisii

This variety can grow 12 to 15 inches in height. Peace Lily Wallsii has wavy foliage and grows to a length of approximately 8 to 10 inches.


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