Unveiling Lunar Secrets: The Astonishing Revelations of the Last Man on the Moon on His Fourth Day (Exclusive Video Footage)

Gene Cernan, the last man to walk on the Moon, claimed he saw “bright flashes rotating” as he and his two companions celebrated their fourth day on…

Ex-NASA Astronaut: ‘We have Contact With Alien Cultures & Their Appearance Is Bizarre’

On July 28, 2011, former astronaut and scientist Brian O’Leary passed away shortly after making a big statement. When the United States space agency NASA selected its…

Unearthing the Enigma: Zawyet El Aryan’s Mysterious Pyramid and the Astonishing Clues to an Otherworldly Technology

Most people don’t know that near the famous trio of pyramids in Giza, Egypt, there are two other pyramids of which only their foundations remain. One of…

“Unveiling the Martian Enigma: The Hidden Truth Behind ‘Anomalies on Mars’ and the Ongoing Conspiracy of Secrecy”

NASA is currently weathering a storm of harsh criticism motivated by the resounding failures that the latest missions to Mars have suffered. It seems evident that there…

Unleashing Death from Afar: The Terrifying Power of the Medieval English Bow and the Eerie Legacy It Left Behind

In the chronicles of medieval warfare, few weapons have achieved the legendary status and awe-inspiring power as the English longbow. This remarkable weapon, capable of launching arrows…

“Journey into the Enigmatic Depths: Unveiling the Mysteries of Draa Abul Nagaa’s Secret Tomb in an Immersive 360° Video”

In a truly extraordinary archaeological revelation that has captivated the world, an ancient tomb of immense historical significance has been unearthed in Egypt. Dating back an astonishing…

“Unearthing Secrets of Power and Religion: Astounding Treasures Uncovered in Egypt’s High Officials and Priests Cemetery”

Egypt‘s Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities reveals a remarkable cemetery from the New Kingdom. This unprecedented discovery includes a 13 to 15-meter (42.65 to 49.21 feet) long…

“Startling Discovery: Gebelein Man, an Ancient Egyptian Mummy, Unveils Shocking Evidence of a Brutal Backstabbing”

In 1900, the British Museum exhibit known as the Gebelein Man was acquired along by Sir Wallis Budge, then keeper of the British Museum’s Egyptian Department. All…

One of the best-known 18th Dynasty pharaohs is Amenhotep IV, who changed his name to Akhenaten in honor of the god Aten. His exclusive worship of the Aten, sometimes called Atenism, is often seen as history’s first instance of monotheism. Atenism and several changes that accompanied it seriously disrupted Egyptian society. Akhenaten built a new capital at the site of Amarna, which gives his reign and the few that followed their modern name, the Amarna Period. Amarna art diverged significantly from the previous conventions of Egyptian art. Under a series of successors, of whom the longest reigning were Tutankhamun and Horemheb. Under them, worship of the old gods was revived and much of the art and monuments that were created during Akhenaten’s reign was defaced or destroyed. When Horemheb died without an heir, he named as his successor Ramesses I, founder of the Nineteenth Dynasty.

Golden mask from the mummy of Tutankhamun This was a time of great wealth and power for Egypt. Some of the most important and best-known pharaohs ruled at…

“Unbelievable Footage: Las Vegas Family Claims to Have Captured an Alien Being in Their Own Home”

Las Vegas police responded to a callfrom a family who claimed a UFO crashed in their backyard and they were able to see two ofits crew members….