10 Conspiracy theories surrounding Antarctica that might be true

Antarctica (the South Pole of the Earth) is surrounded by many conspiracy theories, and this is not surprising, this continent is the furthest from the rest and therefore…

20 Meter Tall Humanoid Was Found In The Satellite Images Of Antarctica

Antarctica (the South Pole of the Earth) is surrounded by many conspiracy theories, and this is not surprising, this continent is the furthest from the rest and therefore…

A UFO Was Shot Down By KGB In 1979 Near Moscow Region

Many documents exist that contain information about UFO research which is conducted by staff of a special department within the KGB. One such document revealed that a UFO…

Alien Abduction Of Linda Napolitano- Victim Of Alien Implant, Multiple Witnesses

The topic of alien abductions has fascinated people for decades. As per a report published in 2020 by Ipsos, it was found that there are around 45% of Americans…

Amazingly High-Officials Statements: We’re Not Alone !

One of the dilemmas that humanity has is whether or not we are alone in the universe. From time to time we come across certain astonishing statements by…

Tiny Alien Corpse Found In Bolivia After A Strange Green UFO And Creatures Were Spotted By Residents

This story could be mistaken for an April Fool’s joke and safely ignored on this basis, but everything happened a few days ago, at the end of…

Mummy’s Curse Is Real: Egyptologist Rami Romany Was Left Coughing Up Blood After Discovering A Tomb

In the heart of an archaeological expedition like no other, a man’s life took a harrowing turn after a remarkable discovery within an ancient Egyptian tomb, leading to…

Spine-Chilling Letters Sent By Unscathed Notorious Serial Killers

The FBI believes that there are between 25 and 50 active serial killers in the United States at any given moment. The global number of serial killers are undoubtedly…

Shocking Revelation By Alfred Webre: CIA Is Aware That Mars Is Inhabited By Human-Like Civilization

Alfred Webre is the world’s first visionary to coin the term “exopolitics,” concentrating on the existence of societies with interplanetary connections. Interestingly, humanity may already have established diplomacies…

A Mysterious Dome Structure In Antarctica: Is it Evidence Of A Lost Civilization Or Frozen Atlantis?

Back in January 2012, a mysterious dome structure appeared out of nowhere in the icy continent of Antarctica.It is believed by many that this Mysterious Dome Structure…