Three Thousand Year Old Statue Found in Cappadocia, Turkey

A Facebook user published a photograph of a reported “three-thousand-year-old statue unearthed in Cappadocia” on April 26, 2021, in a post that consisted of an image and…

The Curse Of The Pharaohs: A Dark Secret Behind The Mummy Of Tutankhamun

The ‘curse of the pharaohs’ is alleged to be cast upon anyone who disturbs the mummy of an Ancient Egyptian, especially a pharaoh. This curse, which does…

The ancient documents have not been interpreted by scientists

9. Iron Age Skeleton In “Tree Coffin” When you work in construction, you never know what you might find! Workers in Zurich, Switzerland got quite the surprise…

Farmer Discovers A Massive Hoard Of More Than 4,000 Ancient Roman Coins In Switzerland

An extensive Roman coin collection has been found in a Swiss orchard, one of the most significant archeological discoveries. In Ueken, a tiny village in northwestern Switzerland,…

Why Did Ancient Scots Prepare “Frankenstein” Mummies?

In 2001, a team of archaeologists found a pair of skeletons at an archaeological site on the island of South Uist off the coast of Scotland. At…

A 500-Year-Old Aztec Tower of Human Skulls Is Even More Terrifyingly Humongous Than Previously Thought, Archaeologists Find

Archaeologists excavating a famed Aztec “tower of skulls” in Mexico City have uncovered a new section featuring 119 human skulls. The find brings the total number of…

The Coso Artifact: A 500,000 Year Old Spark Plug?

OOPArt (Out Of Place Artifact) is a phrase used to describe hundreds of prehistoric artifacts discovered in various locations across the world that appear to exhibit a…

Several “Crashed UFO’s” Found In Russia

Specialist researchers in Volgograd, Russia, have discovered over a dozen ancient disk-shaped objects which they firmly believed to be the remnants of several crashed UFOs, including one…

3000 Year Old Artifact Shows Ancient Astronaut Arrived In A Spaceship On Earth

The fragment found in Turkey in 1973 is undoubtedly the most famous 3000-year-old spaceship-looking item, which proves the ancient aliens’ presence on Earth. Zecharia Sitchin found the…

Neil Armstrong’s Untold Expedition To South American Jungles In A Search Of Aliens In 1976

Cueva de Los Tayos (or Cave of the Oilbirds) is a massive cave in the Andes that has long piqued the interest of ancient astronaut theories. They…