El descubrimiento de artefactos antiguos en paestum arroja una figura del delfín de Eros, entre otros tesoros

Las excavaciones arqueológicas en el sur de Italia han arrojado un tesoro de artefactos griegos de la antigua ciudad de Paestum. Ubicada en la famosa costa de…

Cracking the Code on the Mysteries of the Blood-Red Rain, Green Algae, and Pink Water Lake

Αustralıa ıs not onlƴ home to the most amazınglƴ dıstınctıve anımals, such as the heavıest moth ın the world, but ıts natural attractıons are quıte unıque as well….

This Le Mans veteran is the pinnacle of LWB Ferrari California Spiders

This 1959 Ferrari 250 GT LWB California Spider Competizione bodied by Scaglietti isn’t just a Le Mans podium-finisher, it’s also a Pebble Beach Concours-winner. Now, thanks to…

Hace 7.000 años, los antiguos sumerios construyeron un puerto espacial avanzado, lanzaron naves espaciales y viajaron por el espacio.

La sorprendente declaración la hizo el ministro de Transporte iraquí, Kazim Finjan, en 2016, cuando se encontraba en un viaje de negocios a Dhi Qar. Afirma que los…

1914 Locomobile Model 48 Seven-Passenger Touring

The 1914 Locomobile Model 48 Seven-Passenger Touring was a remarkable automobile that showcased the exceptional quality, speed, and engineering for which Locomobile, a highly respected US automaker,…

Solving the Mysteries: American Beachgoers Confused by Large and Unusual Turtle Sightings

Everƴone ın the Unıted States ıs ın awe when the largest turtle ın the world swıms onto Mıamı Beach. There ıs nothıng more beautıful than tropıcal nature…

Catacumbas secretas con increíbles esqueletos antiguos cubiertos de joyas de valor incalculable

Los llaman los Santos de las Catacumbas: antiguos cadáveres romanos que fueron exhumados de las catacumbas de Roma, recibieron nombres ficticios y fueron enviados al extranjero como…

Admire the majestic beauty in the nearly $ 3 million mansion of the Queen of Latin Seduction – Jennifer Lopez

Admire the majestic beauty in the nearly $ 3 million mansion of the Queen of Latin Seduction Jennifer Lopez has reduced the price of her Los Angeles…

DeMarre Carroll’s luxurious villa is his pride

See DeMarre Carroll’s most luxurious mansion, great pride Former NBA forward DeMarre Carroll has introduced his extraordinary mansion in Braselton, Georgia, presenting it with an asking price…

Unearthing Three chariots in India Provides Clues about an Ancient Society’s warrior elite

Archaeologists in India have unearthed three copper detailed chariots from the Bronze Age (2000-1800 BC). This is the first known example of this type of transport being…