“Simplicity Redefined: Explore 39 Exceptional Ideas for ‘Raised Wooden House’ Living”

The wooden house is the oldest and most traditional form of human habitation. For centuries, people favored wood – a natural, warm and helpful material. The age of some wooden houses, which are still used for living, accounts for hundreds of years.

Comparing to any other building materials, wooden house is the most efficient housing thanks to its natural properties.


The main advantage of the houses is that its walls have no “aisles for heat flow” and no surfaces which may condense moisture.

In the summer, wooden houses are very cool, because structure of the wood fibers has the ability to pass the air in both directions, which promotes natural ventilation and prevents heating inside of the house.

Because the wooden walls line the fluctuations in humidity, pleasant temperature is present in wooden houses in all seasons – it is cool in summer, and it is warm in the winter.








































Credit: Pinterest

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