Turkish stealth jet UAV Anka III made its first flight

The Turkish stealth drone Anka III from Turkish Aerospace Industries made its first flight. This was reported by the Turkish Anadolu agency with reference to the developer.

It is worth noting that the first photos of the Phoenix appeared in March of this year. Prior to this, the development of the device was carried out in strict secrecy.

Anka III is a heavy reconnaissance-strike drone and is very different from other Turkish-made UAVs, which indicates that the device was developed from scratch. The drone is built according to the “flying wing” design and looks very much like our “Hunter”.

Video: Türkiye’s ANKA-3 Combat Drone Makes First Flight

According to the developer, the Anka III will be able to carry Mark 83 bombs (probably in the internal compartment). Meanwhile, in previously published photos you can also see four underwing pylons, where guided missiles can be suspended.

The material, citing TAI representatives, states that the new UAV will be able to rise to a height of up to 13 km, reach speeds of up to 857 km/h and carry out missile and bomb attacks, and provide support to manned combat aircraft. In addition, probably, thanks to stealth technology, the device will be able to break through enemy air defenses.

It is worth recalling that earlier in Turkey the landing ship TGC Anadolu was presented, which will be able to carry light aircraft and combat aircraft. Drones.

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