One Piece’s 15 Strongest Devil Fruits (So Far)

One Piece has revealed a myriad of Devil Fruits thus far, but these 15 are stronger than the rest by a pretty wide margin.

In the vast world of One Piece, Devil Fruits are some of the rarest and most sought after treasures on the open sea. Recently it was revealed that every Devil Fruit essentially is the manifestation of a dream someone once had given form. With their wide range of abilities at hand, each granting incredible powers and abilities to their users, Devil Fruits are coveted by pirates, marines, and revolutionaries alike.

An incredible range of abilities can be granted by eating one of the Fruits, which can be organized into three primary categories: Paramecia, Logia, and Zoan. With that being said, not all Devil Fruits are created equal.

Some are vastly more powerful than others and can grant their users abilities that are truly a notch above the rest. While all Fruit users are rendered powerless when exposed to water, some are more than worth the risk. The most skilled Devil Fruit users also find creative ways to turn their basic abilities into something more complex and powerful.

15. Age-Age Fruit (Toshi Toshi no Mi)

Type: Paramecia, User: Jewelry Bonney

Bonney’s Devil Fruit power’s were initially introduced to One Piece fans during the Sabaody Archipelago arc. However, the events of the Egghead Island arc revealed it only to be the tip of the iceberg. Bonney’s Age-Age Fruit allows her to access Distorted Future versions of herself and anyone she touches. It was initially believed her power could only alter someone’s age, potentially a one-hit kill if she reverted someone to be too young or too old. Manga chapter #1103 had one of the Five Elders elaborate on Bonney’s powers, saying they “…allow you to transform into any future, but the more you know of reality, the narrower your future possibilities become.

This revelation proved that the potential of Bonney’s fruit has almost no limits. If she can imagine a future, she can make it happen, tying it with One Piece‘s major themes of hope and creativity. However, it also shows an important drawback: the more Bonney grows up and learns about the harsh reality of the world, the less she will be able to imagine a “distorted future”, thus making her story even more tragic.

Paramecia-Type Devil Fruits offer such a large range of abilities that they have become the category for every fruit that is not a Zoan or Logia-type.

While Bonney was not given a lot of time to shine before the Egghead Arc, the reveal and showcase of her abilities has been one of the arcs most enjoyable surprises. Throughout her time on Dr.Vegapunk’s futuristic island, her powers have turned hostile marines into rotted skeletons before switching them back to normal, a near-death experience that shattered them psychologically. Jewelry Bonney has also used her Devil Fruit to give her own body an incredible boost in power and size, even being able to replicate Luffy’s powerful Fifth gear Sun God Nika powers. Even without that, her powers can potentially defeat nearly any character in One Piece‘s world with a single touch.

14. Woods-Woods Fruit (Mori Mori no Mi)

Type: Logia, User: Admiral Ryokugyu “Green Bull” Aramaki

The Admirals of the One Piece series have consistently been some of the strongest characters, and the newest addition is no exception. Admiral Ryokugo (aka Green Bull) was properly introduced at the end of the Wano arc. Still, his terrifying abilities quickly established that he was not someone to take lightly. Ryokugo’s Woods-Woods Devil Fruit allows him to become a Forest Human who can create, manipulate, and transform himself and his surroundings into flora.

Logia Devil Fruits are the rarest and often considered the most powerful type. Logia users are able to take the form of a particular element of nature and even produce it at will. Haki is often needed to combat such foes because Logia bodies are normally invulnerable to normal attacks.

Many applications of Green Bull’s powers were showcased against numerous foes on Wano. The Admiral can seemingly create a nearly infinite amount of wood that he can control at will and maneuver with great speed to defend and even impale enemies. He can absorb moisture from defeated foes and use it and sunlight to recharge his powers. Ryokugyu has such impressive control of his Devil Fruit that he is immune to traditional fire attacks and can transform into a hulking tree golem of a man, making him a formidable opponent for anyone without an overwhelming amount of haki.

13. Press-Press Fruit (Zushi Zushi no Mi)

Type: Paramecia, User: Admiral Fujitora, aka Issho

Fujitora is one of the newer Admirals introduced in One Piece, but that doesn’t make him or his Fruit any less powerful. The Press-Press Fruit allows Fujitora to manipulate gravity. While he has used this power for some small-scale feats such as levitating objects and pinning enemies in place, his Fruit also has a much more extreme destructive potential, rivaling even One Piece’s ancient weapons like Uranus. Fujitora can call down large meteors from the sky to crush his enemies. This ability could cause mass destruction, making the Zushi Zushi Fruit easily one of the most powerful in the series.

12. Fish-Fish Fruit, Model: Azure Dragon (Uo Uo no Mi: Model Seiryu)

Type: Mythical Zoan, User: Kaido & Kozuki Momonosuke

The Fish-Fish Fruit: Model Azure Dragon, is a Mythical Zoan-type Devil Fruit that was eaten by One Piece’s Kaido after the fruit was given to him by Big Mom. This Devil Fruit allows the user to transform into a gargantuan flying dragon capable of breathing fire and destroying mountains. The Uo Uo no Mi specializes in raw strength, and its natural ability could be seen in Momonosuke’s usage of the cloned Devil Fruit during his battle with Kaido. Despite having little to no training and no real Haki, Momonosuke stood his ground against Kaido momentarily upon assuming his full dragon form.

Zoan-type Devil Fruits allow the user to transform into a particular animal species. Skilled users can even morph particular parts of their body and become a hybrid version of the animal to take full advantage of their animal bodies.

Mythical Zoans have proved to be perhaps the most powerful category of Devil Fruits in the series. They don’t just give their users animalistic physical boosts, but each of them possesses unique abilities based on the mythological or divine being that inspired them. Kaido’s Devil Fruit, while not the only source of his strength, contributed to making him known as “the world’s strongest creature”.

11. Rumble-Rumble Fruit (Goro Goro no Mi)

Type: Logia, User: Enel

The Rumble-Rumble Fruit is an electricity-based Logia-type Devil Fruit that can deliver power output just as great as Kaido’s Fruit. It also provides the user with an absurd amount of abilities. Like all Logia Fruits, the Rumble Fruit allows a user to become intangible, becoming outright invincible to foes that don’t yet possess Haki. Enel can travel great distances in the blink of an eye, control the weather to an extent, and even use the heat from his lightning-based body to reforge weapons. The user can also use their nearly limitless electrical energy supply to power large machines and weapons.

It is often believed that the only reason why Enel was defeated is that he found his “natural enemy” in Luffy, a human made of rubber, which is a material immune to electricity. Also, Enel relied on his Devil Fruit powers too much, was arrogant and cocky, and clearly never developed his abilities to their extreme.

Enel traveled to the moon after being defeated by Luffy and has since grown an empire of robotic followers.

10. Strong-Strong Fruit (Riki Riki no Mi)

Type: Paramecia, User: Jesus Burgess

If Devil Fruit powers were to be measured by simple, plain strength, then the winner would surely be Jesus Burgess’s Strong-Strong Fruit. During manga chapter #1063, Burgess casually lifts a mountain to throw at his foes. While the limitations of the power have yet to be explored, for a Devil Fruit with such a name, it likely grants the user as much brute strength as they need to accomplish their goal, such as throwing a mountain or breaking swords. Fans will likely see more of the Strong-Strong Fruit in action and see whether it truly lives up to its name.

9. Operation-Operation Fruit (Ope Ope no Mi)

Type: Paramecia, User: Trafalgar D. Water Law

The Operation Operation Fruit is a Paramecia-type that allows the user to create a spherical area of influence that will enable them to manipulate anything within it as it were a doctor’s operating room. Law can use his power to perform makeshift ‘surgery’ on anyone or anything within his sphere, even removing their hearts (and souls) without killing them. He can also teleport objects and people within his sphere and create powerful shockwaves that ripple through the air. Over the course of the series, Law’s Devil Fruit has showcased some of the most broken powers in One Piece, as its simple premise allows for endless applications.

The Ope Ope no Mi excels at a supportive fighting style, allowing the user to shift their allies around the battlefield to avoid damage while also placing their enemies in severely detrimental positions. Additionally, the Ope Ope no Mi is said to be able to perform something known as the Immortality Procedure, where the user gives up their life in order to ensure someone is capable of living forever. It’s a trick that will likely have Law play a big part in One Piece‘s story before it ends.

Law revealed that if an opponent’s haki is too strong, a Devil Fruit power’s effectiveness can be lessened on the foe’s body.

8. Soul-Soul Fruit (Soru Soru no Mi)

Type: Paramecia, User: Charlotte Linlin aka Big Mom

Big Mom’s Soul Fruit is one of the most versatile in the series, which is part of what makes it so powerful. Its powers enable Big Mom to extract part of a person’s soul and use it to animate any object she wishes. Extracting a soul reduces its victim’s lifespan, potentially making this a fatal ability on its own. However, this only works on enemies who fear Big Mom. Her powerful living weapons, like Zeus and Prometheus, give her terrifying offensive capabilities. If she ever gets injured, Big Mom can animate her body parts and have them heal themselves.

7. Ice-Ice Fruit (Hie Hie no Mi)

Type: Logia, User: Former Marine Admiral Aokiji, aka Kuzan

Former One Piece Admiral Kuzan’s Ice Fruit is among the most potent Devil Fruits of all, being able to contest Admiral Sakazuki’s Magma Fruit for ten days. Its power is so great that it permanently changed half of Punk Hazard’s landscape, suggesting it may even be on par with Sakazuki’s Devil Fruit, which is said to boast the highest offensive power among Logias.

Among the feats it displayed, notably Kuzan froze tsunami waves generated by Whitebeard and turned Marineford’s bay into an icescape in moments. This power grants Kuzan notable offensive power at both close and long range while maintaining the standard level of Logia intangibility. What makes this Logia stand out among the rest is the versatility that ice and freezing things give its users, besides Kuzan’s own great physical skills, honed through years fo training with Garp.

6. Magma-Magma Fruit (Magu Magu no Mi)

Type: Logia, User: Fleet Admiral Sakazuki, aka Akainu

Akainu is known for his ruthlessness and unwavering sense of justice, often delivered brutally. His Devil Fruit complements this personality by being an extremely destructive power capable of burning through other Logia users with ease. Akainu is also able to use his Devil Fruit in very creative ways, at one point causing flaming meteors to fall out of the sky. Akainu’s molten rock body means that even if an opponent can close the gap, they still have to worry about intense heat in close-quarters combat.

Another Devil Fruit with similar powers exists in the series, the Fire Fire fruit formerly owned by Ace, and now by Sabo. However, as the series made painfully clear when Akainu killed Ace, magma is superior to mere fire, and can burn at much hotter temperatures, making it one of the deadliest Devil Fruits in existence.

5. Paw-Paw Fruit (Nikyu Nikyu no Mi)

Type: Paramecia User: Bartholomew Kuma

The Paw Paw Fruit, also known as the Nikyu Nikyu no Mi, was eaten by Bartholomew “Tyrant” Kuma, a former member of the Seven Warlords of the Sea turned cyborg slave for the Celestial Dragons. This Devil Fruit allows Kuma to repel anything he touches, including people, objects, and even electrical signals in someone’s nervous system. Kuma’s main use of the Paw Paw Fruit is to travel great distances to places he’s previously been to, which he can use on himself and anyone he touches.

The fruit also allows him the ability to deflect attacks back at his enemies, making him a fearsome opponent in battles. The Paw Paw fruit has also been shown to have the ability to affect intangible concepts such as memories, pain, and potentially even souls. This means that, at the height of his power, Kuma could theoretically teleport someone across the world with no memory of who or what they are, making this Devil Fruit power one of the most horrifying out there.

4. Glint-Glint Fruit (Pika Pika no Mi)

Type: Logia, User: Admiral Kizaru, aka Borsalino

Kizaru is one of the scariest Naval Admirals in the series. The Glint-Glint Fruit can turn his body into light, making him incredibly fast and impossible to hit without using Haki. On top of this, his powers enable him to shoot lasers, which makes him easily able to defeat enemies from a long range. He can also manipulate light to create weapons like a blade of light or even clones of himself.

These abilities make him a devastating opponent to face up close and from afar, even when compared to his fellow Admirals. Just operating at the speed of light would make Kizaru unbeatable, but luckily for the Straw Hats, he has proven to not be immune to a strong enough Haki user, nor to the crazy, reality-bending powers of Luffy’s Devil Fruit.

3. Human-Human Fruit, Model: Nika (Hito Hito no Mi: Model Nika)

Type: Mythical Zoan, User: Monkey D. Luffy

The Human-Human Fruit: Model Nika is one of the most interesting fruits in One Piece. For much of the story, Luffy’s Devil Fruit was believed to be called the Gum-Gum Fruit. In fact, it’s a Mythical Zoan-type Fruit that allows Luffy to take the form of an ancient deity named Nika, who was once worshiped as a Sun God. The World Government has tried to erase the name from history in fear that the legendary figure, who once represented freedom, would return to the world and liberate its people from the oppressive rule the World Government has held for centuries.

When fully unleashed, the powers of the Nika fruit are said to be the most ridiculous in the world. When Luffy awakened his Devil Fruit in his brutal battle against Pirate Emperor Kaido, it granted him complete and total freedom over his own body and the ability to manipulate his surroundings as if they were made of rubber, including things like lightning. Luffy has said that when he uses the white-haired form, he feels the most free, which is a feeling he is seemingly destined to bestow to the many slaves under the World Government’s control.

2. Quake-Quake Fruit (Gura Gura no Mi)

Type: Paramecia, User: Edward Newgate, aka Whitebeard (Deceased), Marshall D. Teach aka Blackbeard

The Quake-Quake Fruit was wielded by Whitebeard, once known as the strongest man in One Piece‘s world. The fruit allows the user to create powerful and massive vibrations that can travel through any surface and even affect the very foundations of the earth and cause tsunamis. Whitebeard used the power to create earthquakes that could split entire islands in half. The mere threat of his power was enough to make even the Navy tremble.

Whitebeard’s Devil Fruit power gave him and his crew a dominion over the seas that was unmatched by any other Yonko. The ability to create tsunami waves that reach towards clouds could not be opposed on open waters. After Whitebeard’s death at Marineford, Blackbeard stole the power and became the only person to wield two separate Devil Fruits. He’s used them to rise the ranks of the pirate world by wielding what many in One Piece call the strongest Paramecia and Logia Fruits in the world.

1. Dark-Dark Fruit (Yami Yami no Mi)

Type: Logia, User: Marshall D. Teach aka Blackbeard

If all Devil Fruits stem from people’s dreams, the dream that created the Dark-Dark Fruit must have been a nightmare. Blackbeard’s first fruit could easily be considered the strongest Devil Fruit in the One Piece world. He was once part of the Whitebeard Pirates until the fruit was discovered. Then Blackbeard betrayed and murdered a fellow member of the crew to steal it. This Devil Fruit has unique properties that allow it to absorb and cancel out the powers of other Devil Fruits, automatically giving it a massive edge in battles between fruit users and other frightening abilities.

The power of Darkness the Devil Fruit grants its user can be used in many ways. Blackbeard can create black hole-like phenomena with a vortex that can absorb, crush, and expel entire towns. He also uses the ability to manipulate gravity to pull foes to him. However, the Tyranical Commodore has also been shown capable of pooling his Darkness powers together into a single point, creating a massive ball of black gravitational energy that nothing can escape from. Blackbeard will be a tough opponent to beat with such monstrous powers at his disposal.

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