Prepare to be shocked as we reveal the disturbing truth about Glen Hayes, a callous individual from Gillingham who profited from the sale of sick animals over the Christmas season.The RSPCA Special Operations Unit worked closely with the Metropolitan Police to carry out a thorough investigation into Hayes’ actions after receiving distressing reports from unsuspecting customers who had purchased puppies from his home.
Be prepared to have your heart broken as we reveal some harrowing details.
Come and hear the shocking stories of innocent buyers who were tricked into buying sick animals.
It was quite evident that the house and garden were in complete disarray, but the scene was completely different in the well-kept living room, which was the only space accessible to potential buyers.
According to RSPCA dog welfare specialist Lisa Hens, it is unfortunate that some dishonest traders are exploiting families’ desire to adopt a furry friend over the festive season.
Although Hayes has received his punishment, the emotional damage caused by his actions remains.
Prepare to feel a range of emotions, from anger to motivation to empathy, as we shine a light on the grim reality of animal abuse and celebrate the unwavering commitment of those who fight for justice.