I’m so happy to have found this toothache remedy and My children’s toothache was gone after sucking this for 3 consecutive days !


Toothache is the most common symptom and is also a “nightmare” if you cannot arrange time to see a doctor. What should I do if I have a toothache? What is the fastest way to get rid of toothache? The 8 ways to relieve toothache at home from available ingredients and herbs below can be a “savior” for you.

According to statistics, there are more than 3 billion people with dental problems worldwide and this number has been increasing in recent years. There are many causes of toothache such as wisdom teeth, gingivitis, tooth decay…

If you can’t arrange to go to the dentist right away, apply temporary toothache relief from Hello Bacsi to reduce discomfort immediately. However, these ways to relieve toothache at home are only immediate ways to treat toothache and these ways to relieve toothache at home are absolutely not a substitute for a comprehensive examination and treatment of the cause from a dentist!

1. Fastest way to relieve toothache: Gargle with salt water

The fastest way to relieve toothache with salt water or how effective is the way to relieve toothache at home with salt water? Sea salt is considered a miracle medicine that helps support health as well as support the immune system, stabilize heart rate and blood pressure, alkalize the body and effectively relieve toothache. The natural anti-bacterial ingredients found in sea salt help relieve toothache symptoms and kill some bacteria that cause inflammation. In addition, sea salt also contains more than 60 types of minerals to help heal wounds quickly and effectively.

You are viewing: “Pocket” 6 effective tips to treat toothache immediately

Tips to relieve toothache by rinsing with salt water:

Take 1 teaspoon of salt. Add salt to a glass of warm water, try again and see if the brackish feeling is just right. Do not gargle with salt water that is too salty. Swish sips of salt water several times until the glass is empty.

This is one of the fastest ways to relieve toothache at home or treat toothache at home. You can also stock up on bottles of salt water specifically for mouth rinsing, widely sold in Western pharmacies, with the right concentration to gargle every day even when you don’t have a toothache. This helps keep the oral cavity clean and teeth strong.

2. How to treat toothache immediately: Apply a cold towel

Many people often wonder what to do to relieve the pain when they have a toothache? The answer is to apply a cold compress.

So what is the instant way to treat toothache with a cold towel? According to dental experts, one of the most effective ways to treat toothache immediately, to relieve toothache, and to reduce toothache when wisdom teeth are growing is to apply cold compresses. However, cold compresses are only effective in cases of acute inflammation, meaning this is only an immediate way to treat toothache, so you need to arrange to see a dentist to diagnose the cause and solve the problem. If you want the pain to “go away and never come back”.

How to treat toothache immediately with cold compresses:

Place a clean towel in the freezer, wait until it’s cold, then take it out and use. Or you can also put some ice in a cloth bag or chiffon towel. Do not use ice directly because it can cause frostbite. Apply the towel to the outside of your cheek. irritation site for about 20 minutes, do not apply directly to the painful area. Repeat every 4 to 6 hours.3. Tips to relieve toothache with mint tea bags

In addition to the two methods above, is there any fastest way to relieve toothache at home? The answer is yes. You can apply toothache relief at home with mint tea bags.

Using peppermint tea bags can help temporarily relieve toothaches because mint has numbing properties. In addition, mint tea also contains tannin, a very effective antibacterial and anti-inflammatory substance. Therefore, wet mint tea bags are often used to soothe irritated, sensitive skin and reduce symptoms of gum discomfort.

Tips to relieve toothache by applying mint tea bags:

Place the used tea bag in the freezer until cold. Then, place the tea bag on the irritated skin for about half an hour to soothe the pain. This method is especially effective for relieving toothache caused by wisdom teeth.4. Instantly effective way to relieve toothache with onions

What is the fastest way to relieve toothache or does chewing onions relieve the pain when having a toothache? According to dental experts, you can completely treat toothache with onions. The reason is because onions have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, which help kill germs in the oral cavity, prevent the spread and prevent tooth decay. In particular, onions also have the ability to kill bacteria that cause inflammation in teeth and gums, preventing bleeding gums. For a long time, chewing onions has been used as a home treatment to help relieve toothache, treat gum irritation and effectively prevent tooth decay.

Besides, onions contain sulfur compounds. When exposed to saliva, they help form sulfuric acid, which anesthetizes and relieves toothache.

How to relieve toothache by chewing onions:

Chew a large slice of onion in the area where the tooth hurts until the strong smell of the onion disappears. Continue chewing other slices of onion until you feel relief from the pain.

What to do if your toothache is too painful to chew onions? In this case, you can squeeze the onion juice and apply it directly to the painful tooth with a cotton ball soaked in the juice and repeat several times a day. Above are the two fastest ways to treat toothache at home with onions that you should refer to.

5. How to treat toothache immediately with garlic cloves

How to treat toothache or how to treat toothache immediately with garlic, is it effective? According to health experts, garlic contains many compounds that can prevent inflammation and promote the development of the immune system. Not only that, garlic also has the ability to kill harmful bacteria that cause plaque in teeth and is an effective way to relieve toothache. In addition, garlic contains allicin, which has the ability to prevent and kill bacteria that cause tooth decay. Therefore, garlic can be used as the fastest way to relieve toothache.

How to cure toothache by chewing garlic cloves:

Peel and wash a clove of garlic. Start chewing the garlic clove in the area where the tooth hurts. If the pain is still not gone, continue chewing the second clove. In fresh garlic, there is no free allicin, only the precursor alliin. When garlic is minced, the enzyme in garlic is activated, stimulating alliin to form allicin. So if your tooth hurts and you can’t chew a whole clove of garlic, you can mince it and wait a while before starting to use it to take advantage of the wonderful effects of allicin. You can combine garlic with ginger or salt to increase effectiveness and reduce the risk of tooth decay. Discomfort caused by the smell of garlic.6. What should you do if you have a toothache? Use clove oil

Cloves are a very good medicinal ingredient in reducing pain in the mouth such as toothache, teething or canker sores. One of the important ingredients in clove oil is Eugenol, which has natural anesthetic properties.

However, you should use clove oil properly. For example, do not apply oil directly to a painful tooth, as this will make the pain worse and irritate the tongue.

How to relieve toothache with clove oil:

Apply 2 drops of clove oil to a cotton ball and place it on the painful tooth area until the pain disappears. Additionally, you can chew clove leaves to release a little oil and hold for about half an hour until the pain subsides.

Compared to garlic and onions, cloves are an effective and adaptable pain relief solution. The unique aroma of clove oil also contributes to relaxing the mind and freshening breath after days of toothache. We are afraid of thorough oral hygiene. Clove essential oil can be mixed into mouthwash every day during the treatment of tooth pain, especially when the tooth needs root canal treatment for a long time.

7. The fastest way to get rid of toothache with thyme oil

What is the fastest way to get rid of toothache with thyme essential oil? The answer will be shortly!

Thyme, scientifically known as Thymus vulgaris, is a herb in the mint family. This grass has 3 main ingredients: Thymol, Carvacrol, Engenol which contain many antibacterial properties and help relieve pain effectively.

How to treat toothache using thyme oil:

Put 4 drops of thyme oil on a cotton ball and add 2 drops of water. Apply the cotton ball to the painful tooth area for about 10 minutes.8. How to relieve toothache with wheat grass

Why is wheatgrass treatment for toothache effective? Wheatgrass contains many nutritional compounds that are very good for health. This grass contains many vitamins and minerals, has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Therefore, they can help you heal your body from the inside out.

In addition, you can use wheatgrass to quickly reduce stomatitis and prevent inflammation-causing bacteria from spreading. Besides, wheatgrass is rich in chlorophyll which helps prevent infections.

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