Entertainment News

Steph Curry Says He’d Consider Going into Politics: ‘I Have an Interest in Leveraging My Influence’

The Golden State Warriors star gave CBS Mornings’ Jericka Duncan a “maybe” when asked if he’d run for president

Steph Curry talked about a possible career in politics on ‘CBS Mornings’. PHOTO:


Steph Curry is open to a career pivot when his days on the court are over.

The Golden State Warriors point guard, 35, told CBS News’ Jericka Duncan that he wouldn’t rule out becoming president of the United States one day. “I have an interest in leveraging every part of my influence for good,” he explained on CBS Mornings. “So if that’s the way to do it, then maybe.”

Curry added that if politics were the path to creating “meaningful change,” then he would consider a foray into civics to tackle issues like literacy rates in younger generations.

“Not that soon,” he replied when Duncan, 40, suggested a 2028 campaign.

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Steph Curry with CBS Mornings’ Jericka Duncan.


I Am Extraordinary, Curry’s second children’s book, was released on Tuesday. The story follows a girl with auditory impairment who dreams of joining her school’s soccer team but is self-conscious about her hearing aids.

“With the help of and perspectives from new friends, what begins as a bumpy, anxiety-filled start for Zoe, soon transitions into an eye-opening experience about what it means to be different—and what it means to be extraordinary,” reads a synopsis of Curry’s sophomore book from publisher Penguin Random House.

The basketball star has a vested interest in raising the next generation as a father to three kids — soon to be four — with wife Ayesha Curry. The NBA’s it-couple share two daughters, Riley, 11, and Ryan, 8, as well as son Canon, 5.

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Steph and Ayesha Curry in July 2022.


Ayesha revealed in her magazine Sweet July in its March 1 cover story that the couple was expecting their fourth child. She said that although the two believed they were done having kids, they decided “somebody was missing” last year.

“I would load up the car and think, “Oh, I forgot something.” But nobody was forgotten. It started to turn my brain a little bit,” she said. “So we set out on this journey, knowing that this would complete our family.”

In October 2023, Steph said that his children were becoming athletes themselves. The Warriors player told PEOPLE that the family was doing “all backyard sports” but emphasized, “It’s more just confidence building and their ability to find joy in everything they do.”

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