
Joe Rogan eviscerated The View host Joy Behar for claiming he can’t be trusted

Joe Rogan eviscerated The View host Joy Behar for claiming he can’t be trusted, suggesting her criticism stems from concerns over job security.

In a Thanksgiving episode of The Joe Rogan Experience, Rogan, joined by comedians Mark Normand, Shane Gillis, and Ari Shaffir, addressed Behar’s remarks, where she claimed he ‘believed in dragons.’

‘I had to read the thing about The View because I just thought it was funny. Joy Behar was trying to say I believe in dragons! She said, ‘I checked it, I checked it!’ And then the lady goes, ‘Did you double check it,’ and she goes, ‘I checked it, he believes in dragons. They lived alongside people,” Rogan said in the podcast clip in between chuckles.

Elon Musk subtly poked fun at Behar too, replying to Rogan’s troll post with a series of emojis, which included a dragon, fire, and an American flag.

During the original View segment, Behar quipped, ‘We went from Walter Cronkite to this guy Joe Rogan who believes in dragons. I checked it.’

He criticized Behar for making her remarks while boasting about The View’s connection to ABC News to back the network’s credibility.

‘When you’re worried about losing your job and you’re worried about podcasts taking over and who is the source of news and, ‘We said Donald Trump is Hitler, but half the country disagreed with us and this is crazy and Joe Rogan believes in dragons!’ It’s just frantic,’ he said.

He speculated that her comments reflected anxiety over the growing influence of podcasts. Despite his sharp criticism, Rogan clarified he held no personal grudge against Behar.

‘I just want to say for the record, I have no hate for Joy Behar. If I saw her, I’d give her a hug. I’d probably say the same thing about me if I was her,’ he said.

Rogan also addressed Behar’s claim by playing a clip from the interview she appeared to reference.

In the discussion with wildlife biologist Forrest Galante, Galante explored an ‘out there idea’ proposed by some: that dragons might have existed, citing cultural similarities in depictions of such creatures. He theorized that ‘porous bones’ could explain the lack of fossil evidence.

He suggested ‘porous bones’ could explain a lack of fossil evidence. However, Rogan clarified he did not endorse this theory.

‘My position is it’s probably crocodiles or some big Komodo dragon or some big lizard that did kill people and so people fought them with swords and shit and they came back with a story and the artist drew it,’ Rogan said this week.

Rogan concluded by emphasizing how Behar’s remarks undermined her own credibility.

‘It’s no big deal, I don’t care, but it’s a silly thing to say. It undercuts your credibility when you claim ABC News backs you and then follow it with, ‘Joe Rogan believes in dragons.’

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