7 Gorgeous Indoor Black Vines & Trailing Plants

Add a dash of mystery and drama to your bland interiors with these Stunning Black Vines and Trailing Plants to Grow Indoors!

Ditch the conventional greens and infuse a dose of mystique sophistication with these Stunning Black Vines and Trailing Plants to Grow Indoors! Curious to know more? Keep scrolling to pick your favorite!

Stunning Black Vines and Trailing Plants to Grow Indoors

1. Black Jewel Orchid

Botanical Name: Ludisia discolor

The Black Jewel Orchid is not your typical orchid. The deep green, almost black leaves are lusciously thick and feature a striking pinstripe of yellow veins, which really stand out against its dark background.

2. Black Pothos

Botanical Name: Scindapsus treubii ‘Dark Form’

With heart-shaped, dark green leaves that look almost black, Black Pothos is a sleek and sophisticated choice for indoor gardeners. It’s excellent for hanging baskets that would create a striking contrast against light colored walls.

3. Black Goldfish Plant

Botanical Name: Nematanthus nervosus

This plant has unique black-tipped orange flowers and dark green foliage, perfect for adding a pop of color and a bit of character to any indoor space. This conversation starter does best in bright, indirect light and enjoys high humidity, which makes it a lively addition to a well-lit bathroom or kitchen.

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4. Purple Wandering Jew

Botanical Name: Tradescantia zebrina ‘Purpusii’

With its deep purple leaves, the Purple wandering jew adds royalty to your indoor space. It’s easy to care for and is perfect for creating an indoor focal point. Fast-growing and forgiving, it is a great choice for novice gardeners or those with a busy lifestyle.

5. Philodendron Black Cardinal


Botanical Name: Philodendron erubescens ‘Black Cardinal’

The Philodendron Black Cardinal has rich, burgundy leaves that bring warmth to any room. It is a standout specimen that can bring a cozy, yet bold aesthetic to any room.

6. Black Lipstick Plant


Botanical Name: Aeschynanthus radicans ‘Black Pagoda’

The Black Lipstick Plant, with its cascading tendrils and dark, glossy leaves that inclines to a nearing-black color under certain light conditions, is truly a spectacle in hanging baskets. It gets its name from the striking red flowers that emerge, resembling tubes of lipstick.

14 Stunning Black Foliage Vines and Climbers

7. Purple Heart


Botanical Name: Tradescantia pallida

The Purple Heart plant has deep purple and green foliage of cascading vines. It grows vigorously and works well in hanging baskets or as a trailing vine over shelves, where its richly colored leaves can drape dramatically.

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