One Piece Chapter 1099 Spoilers: Kuma’s Confrontation with Bekori

Kuma’s Sacrifice for Bonney’s Health and the Emergence of “Pacifista”

The last released chapter shows us what is the ultimate fate of Ginny, which is also one of the most tragic and heartbreaking events of the story so far. However, at the same time, we have also discovered some hints of the upcoming hiatus of the series. That is why fans are super excited to find out what will happen next time in One Piece. To make things more bearable for you guys, we have One Piece 1099 spoilers.

The latest chapter of One Piece focuses on the aftermath of Ginny’s kidnapping by a Celestial Dragon. With Ginny gone, the Revolutionary Army descended into chaos and became more violent in their confrontation with the World Government forces.

We then see the Army actively rescuing people as Kuma uses his powers to transport rebels across islands and single-handedly ends a battle.

The biggest revelation comes at the end – Jewelry Bonney is revealed to be the child of Ginny and the Celestial Dragon she was forced to marry against her will.

While providing some closure on Bonney’s backstory, this opens up new questions about her origins and true motives.

The chapter also contains some meta-commentary from Oda, apologizing through Brook for the messy state of some panels and pages due to time constraints. He promises to clean it up for the volume release.

One Piece 1099 Spoilers Reveals Truth After 21 Years

The upcoming One Piece chapter 1099 is titled “Peace Lover.”

The return of King Bekori

Years after settling into a routine with Bonney, Kuma’s peace is disrupted by the return of Sorbet’s exiled monarch, King Bekori.

Having curried favor with the World Government, Bekori brings Marine forces to reclaim his throne as the “legitimate” ruler. Unwilling to uproot Bonney, Kuma confronts the invasion alone and decimates Bekori’s armies with his abilities.

After this dramatic display of power, the defeated Bekori reluctantly offers Kuma the crown under pressure from many sides.

Kuma agrees to rule Sorbet in name only, refusing executive power on the condition Bonney remains undisturbed. A surrogate regent handles governance instead, as Kuma maintains privacy with Bonney inside the royal grounds.

During this upheaval, tragedy strikes when young Bonney accidentally eats the Toshi Toshi no Mi – granting her uncontrollable age-manipulating abilities.

As Kuma helps Bonney cope with her newfound powers, their peaceful days become more chaotic and restricted. Yet his devotion to protecting her remains steadfast, as does Bonney’s love for her selfless adoptive father.

The revelations underline the great lengths Kuma goes to shield Bonney, further humanizing his stalwart character. Bonney’s erratic powers also begin explaining her mysterious age inconsistency, first shown years ago.

In another disruptive incident, the vengeful Bekori resurfaces and secretly spreads rumors denouncing Kuma as a ruthless tyrant ruling Sorbet. He attacks again with rebuilt forces, still arrogant in his claim to the throne.

King Bekori hurts Bonny

An enraged Kuma swiftly obliterates Bekori and his battalions for endangering his beloved Bonney, decisively cementing his reign through strength. With Bekori’s persistent troublemaking extinguished permanently, peace returns temporarily.

But lasting damage is done to Kuma’s reputation, as Bekori’s libel and marine reports of Kuma’s destruction brand him as a dangerous oppressor globally. Isolated threats eventually force Kuma to take extreme measures.

Forming his loyal pirate crew for protection, the unrelenting Kuma leans into his hardened epithet – embracing the title of “Tyrant” to deter adversaries from targeting Bonney.

Though largely detached from executive rule, Kuma’s fearsome status as nominal monarch persists alongside Bonney well into the future.

This segment further evolves stoic Kuma into a complex antihero, undertaking gray morality decisions for Bonney’s welfare at high personal cost. It also elucidates why Kuma’s kingship persisted despite clear disinterest in governing Sorbet itself.

Dragon Reveals Egghead’s Location To Kuma

Years later, Dragon discloses the location of Dr. Vegapunk’s secretive research base, “Egghead,” to Kuma, hoping the genius scientist can heal Bonney. Desperate, Kuma takes Bonney across the sea to the mysterious island facility, scarcely known to the wider world.

They meet the eccentric Vegapunk, who is intrigued by Kuma’s royal status and Bonney’s mythical abilities. When Kuma pleads for a cure, Vegapunk names an astonishing price – volunteering as the prototype model for his classified human weapon replication experiments, code name “Pacifista.” If successful, Bonney gets fully treated.

Kuma agrees to this harrowing, lifesaving deal for Bonney’s sake – though he insists the project be called “Pacifista,” meaning “Peace Lover,” rather than a weapon designation. Amused by his gall, Vegapunk consents, and they begin the painful process.

Unbeknownst to all, the rogue agent Jaygarcia Saturn spies on this clandestine exchange, gathering intelligence for some unknown motive tied to the ancient weapons. Their eyes locked secretly on Kuma’s selfless sacrifice.

By risking everything to save Bonney, Kuma earns the greatest power and loses the most freedom. But his motivation remains stalwart through it all – a loving father’s duty to heal his ill-fated daughter, transcending king and pirate titles.

One Piece 1098 Recap and Review

Ginny’s Fate

Chapter 1098 takes an emotional turn by revealing more details about Ginny’s fate after being kidnapped. We learn that she contracted a rare, disfiguring disease called Sapphire Scale during her captivity.

This disease hardens the skin into blue, rock-like scales upon exposure to light – essentially turning patients into living statues.

After becoming unrecognizable due to the advanced disease, Ginny was finally released and returned to the Sorbet Kingdom.

Not wanting Bonney to see her in such a pitiful state, Ginny leaves her in the care of the island elders.

She then heads to the church where she once stayed with Kuma, making one last call to her Revolutionary Army comrades.

Unfortunately, this is a farewell – as Ginny implies, her disease is terminal. We hear the shock and grief, especially from Kuma, who vows to rush to her side after thinking they lost her forever.

Although her face is strategically not shown, this is an extremely emotional scene about a tragic character returning to say goodbye after immense suffering over the years.

The Revolutionary Army pinpoints Ginny’s location in the Sorbet Kingdom, prompting Kuma to immediately teleport there. But he arrives heartbreakingly too late, as Ginny has already succumbed to her illness.

Her tragic final words expressing love go unheard in Kuma’s haste. He holds a small, private burial for Ginny, grief-stricken over reuniting only in death.

Feeling duty-bound to Ginny’s memory and Bonney’s future, Kuma decides to raise her with the elders’ assistance.

We get a poignant montage of his life in the coming years – periodically teleporting to aid the Revolutionaries, even training young Sabo at one point.

Yet Bonney remains his core priority. When she starts developing Sapphire Scales as well, Kuma leaves his duties permanently.

Kuma’s Care For Bonny

Back at the Sorbet church home, Kuma shields sensitive Bonney from sunlight to stall the disease. He brings her books on faraway lands she dreams of visiting and playfully asks where they should teleport next.’

They create joy despite gloomy circumstances. Her emerging blue facial stones inspire “Jewelry” as an affectionate nickname from doting father figure Kuma.

While fleshing out a touching backstory on enigmatic Bonney’s origins, the chapter also spotlights Kuma’s profound care and selflessness as a guardian. His long-term dedication further humanizes the seemingly stoic Shichibukai.

As Bekori’s cruel attacks spread chaos through Sorbet, Kuma grapples with an excruciating decision – rush to stop Bekori’s massacre at the risk of leaving sick Bonney defenseless or staying steadfast at her side even as his people beg for salvation.

In desperation, Kuma informs Vegapunk of the rapidly deteriorating situation in Sorbet. He pleads for immediate aid in saving his kingdom to spare his suffering daughter from more loss.

Moved by Kuma’s selflessness, Vegapunk hastily sends an early prototype Pacifista to subdue Bekori through its immense strength.

With the fabricated human weapon halting Bekori’s rampage, Kuma remains with fragile Bonney as she clings to life-preserving her last moments in loving comfort rather than more violence.

The Pacifista quells surface threats, but Bonney’s disease cannot be stopped.

Yet Kuma finds a sliver of solace by volunteering to be enhanced into a cyborg Pacifista himself after Bonney passes – gaining invincible power to forever prevent another Bekori-like tyrant from threatening his people and Bonney’s memory again. His rule will become untouchable.

The chapter reinforces Kuma’s ceaseless prioritization of family over power while foreshadowing the emergence of ruthless Pacifista “Tyrant” Kuma in the future after personal tragedy destroys his humanity bit by bit.


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