Pink belongs to inner peace, harmony, affection and love. You can create all of this in your indoor garden by growing houseplants with pink stripes, stripes and spots to add a touch of pink to your home decor! Here are some of the best pink houseplants to get you started!
pink moonstone
Pachƴphƴtum Ovıferum ‘Pınk Moonstone’ has a rosette of pink leaves that can also be lavender blue. Powdery white or fine silver hairs cover the foliage of the flesh.
Pink Arrowhead Plant
The pale green leaves of Sƴngonıum podophƴllum ‘Pınk Allusıon’ have vibrant pink veins. It can also be trimmed to make it appear bushier and more compact, or trained to climb support posts or trellises.
Caladium’ Sƴmphonƴ’ pink
The large leaves of this plant are a vibrant pink color with dark green veins, adding to its incredible overall appeal.
Pink mother of millions
Kalanchoe ‘pink butterflies’, which produces butterfly-like seedlings in a stunning shade of pink. Because its leaves lack chlorophyll, this hybrid is a must-have houseplant if you like pink!
Artıllerƴ Plant
Pılea mıcrophƴlla varıegata has a lovely mix of green and pink leaves. Make sure it gets at least 3 to 5 hours of full light every day for the finest colors.
Pretty pink caladium
Caladıum ‘Prettƴ Pınk’ has a deep pink tint that increases the overall charm of the plant. Caladıum’ Pınk Splash, ‘Caladıum’ Thaı Beautƴ and Caladıum’ Florıda Sweetheart are some more charming pink variants.
Neon Pink Sƴngonıum