It’s not a Light Bulb as some Egyptologists have mean

The idea of ancient Egyptians using electricity is so widespread that I could not ascertain who came up with it first. The depiction (image 2) of how this may have looked is on so many websites that I do not know to whom the image must be credited. And the photo (image 1) is well known to be authentic from the Temple of Dendara.

There are all sorts of ‘tin-hat’ ideas about ‘pyramid-power’; but all I am simply suggesting is that primitive batteries would have been placed inside the pyramid and then charged at the next lightning-strike. So it was a fairly crude process that would have used some sort of direct-current electricity, and was likely very inefficient. Probably this process followed its own evolution, and thus there were variations on the theme, as there are variations and even alterations to the internal structures of the pyramids. The electric lighting itself was probably only used for ‘special’ purposes by the elite. There is no evidence that the use was widespread at all, so it makes no sense to reach such a conclusion empirically, or logically. The ‘Baghdad battery’ is additional proof that the ancients had dabbled with electricity to a limited extent.

Image 3 is of a ‘crookes tube’ and is so amazingly similar to the Dendara image that you would have to be seriously narrow-minded to the point of neurotic to deny it. (Sources at end of this web-page).

Image 4 is fairly rare, and there is no description as to where it originates from, so I cannot attest to its authenticity, but it seems quite real, and is very much in keeping with this hypothesis and the previous carvings from Dendara.

I have not figured out just what type of battery they may have used, and what type of device may optimally be charged by a lightning strike. It being inductively clear that something must be able to retain a miniscule part of the charge of a lightning bolt. The shafts after all contain copper ‘handles’, or the remains of something larger. Obviously the vast bulk of a pyramid can endure numerous strikes, and their large size also attracts lightning more effectively than any other shape

Tesla surmised that the pyramids could be used for ‘zero-point energy’. A mysterious and dubious idea which, for the record, I do not agree can work at all. I reckon zero-point energy was disproved with the understanding of quantum energy from Planck. The ‘ultraviolet catastrophe’ and how that error was made by Rayleigh, and then resolved by Planck is dealt with in the section: Zeno and Planck.

Trapping lightning into batteries would have been of immense esoteric political power, and thus would have been a closely guarded secret. This mysterious ‘Godly’ power would easily be used to keep the common populace in a state of intellectual submission. All sorts of superstitious myths could be claimed by anyone wielding such ‘magic’. This type of behavior is a typical practice of ruling classes, right up to this day. It is only since Christian times that the concept of ‘magic’ or ‘esoteric wizardry’ (secret knowledge) has been seen as taboo. Not that I reckon all who use the title ‘Christian’ adhere to the clearly worthwhile ethic of freedom of information.

A crucial point is that just because education textbooks claim that electricity was discovered in the 19th century; all we can conclude is that this is when it became used by the masses of common people. It is in-keeping with how elitist society operates to realize that electricity has likely been secretly used by a small select group since antiquity.

Yes, people do often conspire. So label me a ‘conspiracy theorist’ if it makes you feel better about humanity, and if you reckon conspiracies never occur. That label: ‘conspiracy theorist’ is itself indicative of how conspirators try to deflect attention from their deceitful deeds. So all you are doing is perpetuating your own subservience by even using such terms. It is extra-ordinarily naïve to reckon that when people make great discoveries that they always share them with the world.

Those who own and take credit for ideas, are often not the authors of those ideas. See the squabble between Tesla and Edison over alternating current and direct current for more details on the minds and ethics of scientists. Many people are devious egotists, even to the point of perpetuating false knowledge simply because publicly retaining their disproved ideas bestows upon them some sort of material advantage. This is why dogma persists: because of mundane materialism and the social status that comes with it.

The Great Pyramid was certainly not designed to be a tomb. The most glaring proof being that having crawled into the recesses of the Great Pyramid personally I can attest to not a single hieroglyph anywhere inside it at all. Numerous other studies concur that the dynastic Egyptians discovered these incredible artifacts and took possession of them millennia after their initial construction.

However, those stuck in dogmatic institutions still believe that the pyramids were tombs. Academics, of course, are hardly allowed to say anything other than to bleat the corporate mantra, no matter how out-dated it may be. Their funding and social status depends on it. As does the profits from the sale of textbooks and other media. This is how elitist structures perpetuate their political and social power, by rewarding only those who blindly follow their dogma, and thus eliminating enlightened competition. Its a very old story not only originating with the Pharaohs, but also epitomized by the narratives of the ‘Emperor’s New Clothes’, and ‘Animal Farm’. The psychology of how scientific knowledge progresses and regresses is foundational to understanding scientific knowledge itself. Ethics is a priori to science.

Fascism, nazism, and apartheid being recent examples of how pervasive it is to capture a state or institution using fear and ignorance as control mechanisms. Having grown up under apartheid it was vivid to me how they controlled people by insisting on miniscule obedience to petty commands and unimportant untruths, and thereby laying the foundation for total control of the minds of an entire nation. Once they have you accepting the seemingly unimportant untruths, they just increment the lie little by little, until you are their slave.

Only by risking everything to resist every command and untruth no matter how trivial, were the shackles of the mind finally broken. And to this day, more than a quarter of a century later, those racists still take every chance to slander me for destroying their evil government. They go so far out of their way to get at me, that I feel immense satisfaction knowing how crucial my resistance must have been to destroying that mob-mentality. This war will never end; it is a global struggle now.

Most universities all over the world nowadays have taken the mob-mentality of ‘white-monopoly-capital’ to ever more precarious states of brain-washing. Corporate society is attempting to move away from freedom of information, and it perpetuates the regressive idea that the laws of nature can be owned and controlled by elitist ‘professional experts’, heaping scorn and slanderous labels such as ‘conspiracy theorist’ upon any who disagree.

This is their primary mode of persuasion; a belittling emotional argument, not a logical or empirical one. Thus humanity becomes intellectually stagnant at best, living on the reputation, laurels, and the science of previous generations, all the while crumbling inside from the lack of ethics within. Do not let the advances in technology mislead you into thinking our understanding of natural laws has improved. The wonder of the internet and other modern marvels are still based primarily on physics models from the 19th century and earlier. Most recent theory for the last 100 years is sheer sophistry. The rot starts with Einstein (but that is another article).

This is how all mighty empires that ever existed, have eventually destroyed themselves. If such a psychological narrative of elitism is untrue, then we’d all still be using hieroglyphics today whilst entombing our Pharaohs in pyramids designed for an entirely different, but practical purpose. Ask yourself, how could the greatest builders ever, have simply lost power? Because their hypocrisy and myopic personal material interests were seen as more important than truth for the sake of truth. This degenerative mindset killed the Czars, the French monarchy, the Romans and the ancient Greeks as well.

Its ironic how atheist academia and other dogmatic institutions prefer to perpetuate the idea of these magnificent constructs being designed for archaic religious purposes. Whereas spiritual people seem to see the most majestic artifacts ever built, as having initially had some or other practical use. Think deeply about that one.

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