500-year-old ‘vampire’ on display in museum after the body was found pierced with a stake

The remains of the 16th century man will be displayed after experts determined he was buried in a vampire ritual

The skeleton of a ‘vampire ‘ buried in the 16th century has been unveiled as a museum exhibition.

A collection of bones were discovered two years ago in northern Poland that had the tell-tale markings of a vampire burial ritual.

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Experts determined they were the remains of a man after the finding in an ancient cemetery in the town of Kamien Pomorski.

Now, they have been unveiled as the main attraction at the Kamien Museum of Land History, as organisers are preparing an exclusive exhibit just for the vampire.

Corrie star Charlie Lawson slams airport securityThe entire skeleton of the 16th century ‘vampire’ which will go on display ( Image: CEN)

The body was found with a stake driven through its leg and a small rock in its mouth.

Vampire ‘experts’ said the stone had been put in the body’s mouth to stop it from biting or sucking blood from its victims.

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And the pierced tibia and femur – normally with iron spikes – was done to prevent the vampire from climbing out of its grave.

A close up of the ribs of the man who was found in an ancient graveyard ( Image: CEN)

Dig leader Slawomir Gorka – whose team found it in a graveyard next to the town’s church – explained that the man had probably been buried around the 16th century.

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There were no personal effects in the coffin, making it hard to put a date on when he died.

Several of these ‘vampire’ graves have been discovered in Poland, as its thought the burials were popular in the Kamien Pomorski area between the 13th and 17th century.

The skeleton will be the main attraction at the new exhibition ( Image: CEN)DON’T MISS

People believed those who were considered ‘bad’ might turn into vampires after death unless they were stabbed through the chest before being put into the ground.

Among these kind of people were often intellectuals, aristocrats and clerics.

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