Video footage captures 6 precious white lion cubs at Circus Krone, a German zoo.

6 rare white lion babies in Circus Krone, German zoo(Video)

A spokeswoman for Circus Krone says the three males and their sister were born Wednesday in the eastern city of Magdeburg and are doing well.

Susanne Matzenau said today that their father, King Tonga, now has 16 children from two mothers.

The four white lion cubs surround their mother ‘Princess’ at the Circus Krone in Magdeburg, eastern Germany on Thursday

Three males and their sister were born Wednesday in the eastern city of Magdeburg and are doing well

Matzenau says the cubs will stay with their mother for three months before starting circus training.

The circus is considering names, with ‘Otto’ among the most popular.

White lions have a genetic mutation that gives them very light fur, but they are not albinos.

They were extinct in the wild for 12 years, but were reintroduced in South Africa in 2004, according to the Global White Lion Protection Trust. Still, most are held in captivity.

Mother lion ‘Princess’ cosies up to her newborn cubs, that were born on Wednesday in the zoo

The new mother of four showed her protective side by snuggling up to one of her new cubs

Princess took to motherhood instantly and was seen cleaning her cubs with her tongue (a panoramic view from inside the zoo)

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