
Bonnie Blue’s sneaky Schoolies move after OnlyFans star was banned from Australia: ‘See you soon boys’

Bonnie Blue has revealed she is in Fiji for Schoolies, alongside fellow 𝑠e𝑥 worker Annie Knight, after she was barred from entering Australia.

The 25-year-old British woman made bikini-clad posts to Instagram on Sunday, in which she and Knight gave hints about their location.

‘Ok, we’re at Schoolies,’ Blue said. ‘And we thought we’d give you a little clue of where we’re going to be tomorrow. See you soon boys.’

The caption of the post, ‘Feel Intrigued, Join In,’ was an acrostic clue that pointed to Fiji as their location.

Blue had earlier boasted about her plan to fly to the Gold Coast for Schoolies to offer free 𝑠e𝑥 to 18-year-old boys, provided they let her film it and upload the content to her OnlyFans account.

Blue, who said she used precautions to ensure the young men were aged over 18, had completed a similar marathon 𝑠e𝑥 session stunt in the first weekend of Schoolies celebrations in Surfers Paradise in 2023.

But her plans were dashed when her 12-month visitor visa was cancelled by the Department of Home Affairs, because she had voiced plans to undertake paid work, which is illegal under the conditions of her visa.

It came after Daily Mail Australia’s political editor Peter van Onselen had lambasted Home Affairs and Immigration Minister Tony Burke for seemingly dodging the issue.

Now, the OnlyFans star seems intent on recreating her X-rated stunt in Fiji – and it’s unclear if she’s yet managed to recruit any 18-year-old boys on the island.

She had earlier this month warned in an Instagram video that, despite her visa being torn up, she would somehow continue her tour.

‘Hey boys, from the 18th November me and Annie Knight are going to be on our knees, ready to pleasure you,’ she said to the camera with a caption stating ‘schoolies’ and ’18 November’.

Blue’s real-name is Tia Billinger and she had previously been married to her childhood sweetheart, Oliver Davidson.

The pair wed in 2022 before moving to the Gold Coast shortly afterwards.

It was there that Blue abandoned her job in recruitment and launched her career as a ‘cam girl’ on porn sites.

She claims her then husband supported her decision, however, the pair have since broken up.

The 𝑠e𝑥 worker’s 2023 Schoolies stunt saw her become a top creator on OnlyFans where she claims to make up to $300,000 a month selling her X-rated content.

Blue previously defended herself from critics in an interview with the Daily Mail, saying: ‘I am not a predator!’

‘These 18-year-olds can go to the army, they can drive, they can drink, they’re choosing their careers for the rest of their life,’ she said.

‘If they want to use their own bodies to come and sleep with me, that is their decision.’

‘We seem to say 18-year-olds don’t know better. But if an 18-year-old commits a crime, the first thing they would say is that they’re an adult, they should know better.’

Blue said the men she’s ‘bonking’ are required to sign a consent form and provide two forms of IDs that are photographed alongside their face.

Police-grade breathalysers are used to ensure the boys aren’t intoxicated.

But Blue and Knight have been slammed by abuse survivor Harrison James as a ‘predator capitalising on a dangerous culture where boys are conditioned by mainstream porn to view 𝑠e𝑥ual encounters as their ticket to validation and manhood’.

Blue has also set her sights on breaking the world record for sleeping with the most number of men in a 24-hour period. The current record is 919 which she hopes to beat next year.

‘I’m aiming for over 1,000. It’s a lot to mentally and physically prepare for but I think I can do it,’ she told this publication.

The Australian 𝑠e𝑥 worker Annie Knight is better known as Australia’s Most Sexually Active Woman.

She claimed to have slept with 300 men in 2023, and is attempting to double her record.

Her antics this year include calling for participants to enter her ‘600 people challenge,’ and releasing a 𝑠e𝑥 tape with a ‘very well-known’ reality TV star.

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