Discovery of an unprecedentedly well-preserved skeleton, shedding light on ancient Pompeii culture

Archaeologists have just discovered a set of remains preserved in good condition at a burial site in Pompeii (Italy).

Officials in Pompeii said on August 17 that archaeologists had found the remains of a man believed to be about 60 years old in a tomb that existed in the final decades before the city of Pompeii was destroyed by Mount Vesuvius erupted in 79 AD.

According to the Pompeii Archaeological Park, it is one of the best preserved remains ever found at the site and shows signs of mummification with hair and ears remaining on the skull.

The remains were found in a grave in the Porta Sarno cemetery. (Photo:

Archaeologists also found fragments of possibly fabric fibers in the grave site and are studying whether the man’s body was embalmed before burial. Certain fabrics were used for embalming.

In addition, archaeologists also found two cremation urns in the tomb. At that time, adults were often cremated in this city, so this burial method was considered very unusual.

The inscription on the tombstone identifies the person buried as Marcus Venerius Secundio and refers to performances in Greek at the theater in Pompeii.

This is the first time archaeologists have found evidence that plays were performed here in Greek as well as Latin. Director of the Pompeii Archaeological Park, Gabriel Zuchtriegel, said the Greek performances held were evidence of the lively and open culture that characterized the ancient city of Pompeii.

The epitaph was found in the tomb of Mr. Marcus Venerius Secundio in Porta Sarno cemetery, Italy. (Photo: Guardian).

According to other city archives, Marcus Venerius was the name of a slave and custodian of the Temple of Venus. However, Marcus Venerius was later released and his monumental tomb proves that this man achieved a certain economic and social status before his death.

Currently, the above mentioned burial area is outside the city limits and visitors are not allowed to visit. Officials at Pompeii said they are looking for ways to open this area to the public.

Located 23km southeast of Naples, the city of Pompeii was once home to about 13,000 people before Mount Vesuvius erupted, burying the entire city under layers of ash, dust and rock. These ruins were forgotten for 1,700 years until they were suddenly discovered in 1748. Since then, excavations of Pompeii have provided an in-depth look at the life of a city at the height of the Empire. Roman Empire.

Today, this world heritage site recognized by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Italy.

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