Star of David on the Walls of Jerusalem

Star of David appears on at least four reliefs in the wall of Jerusalem’s Old City. Actually it is a six-pointed star which is called by Muslims Solomon’s Seal. the wall was built from 1535 to 1538 by Turkish Sultan Suleiman I (the Magnificent), whose name is an Arabic translation of the Hebrew Biblical name Solomon. These reliefs are not the only reliefs which decorate the old city walls – there are more than one hundred designs, some of them showing other symbols such as the Octagram, the star with eight points.

Photographed by Zeev Barkan

Solomon’s Seal opposite the entrance to the Rockefeller Museum

Its triangles turn at forty-five degrees

So that it leans at its base on two points.

A flower with six petals appears in its center and

outwardly, there are three leaves between any two points

Solomon’s Seal  at Lion’s Gate opposite the police station

On both sides there are Octagrams (stars with eight points(

In the center there’s a small Solomon’s Seal surrounded by six arrows

Each of the six triangles apex is placed on the center of a circle

Thanks to Dobush who referred me to this Solomon’s Seal

Solomon’s Seal West to the New Gate

hexagon inside Solomon’s Seal surrounded by  triangles that turn at a forty-five degrees

So that it leans at its base on two points


Solomon’s Seal in the parking lot opposite the entrance to the Rockefeller Museum

The Stars’ shape is made of two parallel lines, just like in the Israeli flag – only 500 years before it…

A flower with six petals appears in its center

Solomon’s Seal in Jaffa GateIn the center Surrounded by another Solomon’s Seal

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