Close-up of a mummy over 3,000 years old in Egypt

Egyptian archaeologists have unearthed many burial chambers for coffins and mummies dating back to the New Kingdom, from 1570 to 1069 BC.

Archaeologists have recently revealed the excavation of at least 22 tombs, located 12 meters underground, in the Saqquara cemetery in the south of Cairo, Egypt. In the catacombs there are 52 coffins and mummies dating back more than 3,000 years. Photo: AP.

According to famous archaeological expert Zahi Hawass, they unearthed the remains of an ancient temple for Queen Neit, wife of King Teti, the first king of the 6th dynasty to rule Egypt. Photo: AP.

Here, archaeologists have found many burial wells of coffins and mummies dating back to the time when the New Kingdom ruled Egypt, approximately from 1570 to 1069 BC. Photo: AP.

The archaeological team also discovered a 4 m long papyrus, recording the process of guiding the souls of the dead through the underworld in ancient Egyptian culture. Photo: AP.

Hawass experts said they have been excavating near the Teti pyramid for more than a decade. Photo: AP.

The excavation of the latest archaeological site was a joint effort of the Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities and the Zahi Hawass Center. Photo: AP.

Saqqara is part of the necropolis of the ancient Egyptian capital Memphis. This area contains the famous Giza pyramid and many smaller pyramids such as Abu Sir, Dahshur and Abu Ruwaysh. Photo: AP.

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In recent years, Egypt has promoted communication campaigns about archaeological discoveries, to attract tourists to the country. Photo: AP.

For many years, political instability and violence have seriously affected Egypt’s tourism industry. Photo: AP.

An ancient human skull is on display. Photo: AP.

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