Found a treasure trove of ancient gold coins worth more than trillions

The treasure includes 216 ancient gold coins and a broken bronze jar weighing 525g. The coins date from 1720 to 1750 AD.

216 ancient gold coins were found. (Illustration).

A large treasure trove of ancient gold coins was found during digging in the city of Chikhli, India. A total of 216 gold coins were seized by Pimpri-Chinchwad city police and a copper container was also found.

“The gold coins weighed 2,357g. We also found a broken bronze vessel weighing 525g. The coins were dated between 1720 and 1750 AD.

According to the archaeological department of India, the gold coins have the seal of Raja Muhammad Shah with the name written in Urdu and Arabic,” police officer Krishna Prakash said at a press conference.

The value of a coin is from 60,000 to 70,000 Indian Rupees (19 to 22 million VND). That means the value of all the coins comes to more than 1.3 million Indian Rupees (more than 4.1 billion).

Naik Jamir Tamboli police received a tip-off that Saddam Salar Khan Pathan, a resident of Vithalnagar slum in Nehrunagar, Pimpri had kept ancient gold coins illegally.

A police team led by sub-inspector Sanjay Nilpatrewar raided Pathan’s house along with jewelry experts. After experts confirmed that they were indeed ancient gold coins, police seized them under section 102 of the Indian Code of Criminal Procedure.

During investigation, it was found that 3 to 4 months ago, Pathan’s father-in-law Mubarak Shaikh and brother-in-law Irfan Shaikh had come from Parbhani district to work as labourers.

“Pathan took them to work at a construction site in Chikhli. During the process of digging the pole, those two people found a few coins. They gave the coins to Pathan and then returned to the same place and dug up a pile of soil.” to search for gold coins. They found broken metal pots and scattered gold coins. Pathan brought all the valuable things home,” police officer Sudhir Hiremath told Punekar News. After that, Pathan had an argument with his father-in-law and brother-in-law, leading to information being leaked.

“Further steps will be taken based on the archeology department’s report,” said police officer Krishna Prakash.

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