The mystery of the most terrible treasure series on the planet, still “uncredited”

For hundreds of years, many people have flocked to find extremely valuable treasures buried in secret locations. Despite spending a lot of time, effort and money, no one has succeeded in finding the treasure.For more than 300 years, many people have tried to find the extremely valuable treasure buried by Scottish captain William Kidd. Born in 1645, William was a captain assigned by England to lead an expedition to protect English ships and attack pirates in the Red Sea in 1695.At that time, England was at war with France, so William’s duties included attacking French ships. A year later, Kidd went to New York with the Adventure Galley to recruit sailors to the Indian Ocean. Captain William departed with the Adventure Galley equipped with 34 cannons and more than 100 sailors.In February 1698, Captain William captured the Armenian merchant ship Quedagh Merchant loaded with gold, silver, jewelry, silk, sugar and guns worth huge amounts of money. However, he did not know that the Quedagh Merchant had a French passport but was controlled by a British captain and was loaded with goods from the British East India Company.Captain William and his crew are said to have sunk the Adventure Galley off the coast of Madagascar in 1698. Later, he was arrested by England and put on trial for piracy. In 1701, William was sentenced to death. Until his death, he still did not reveal the location of the treasure that took away the Quedagh Merchant ship. Therefore, warehouse hunters searched all the places where Captain William had visited in the hope of finding the huge amount of wealth that this captain had hidden.Equally famous is the huge treasure said to be buried on Canada’s Oak Island. The treasure hunt on Oak Island is said to have begun around 1795. At that time, 16-year-old Daniel McGinnis discovered a deep hole on the island and a stone engraved with a mysterious code.It was not until 1865 that James Liechti, a professor of linguistics, announced that he had deciphered the code on the stone that Daniel found in the past, which read: “At a depth of more than 12 meters, 2 million pounds are buried. “.Since then, the treasure hunt on Oak Island took place. Many people went to the island to dig and drill deep holes. Among these, Franklin Roosevelt – who later became President of the United States was also interested in the treasure on Oak Island. In 1909, he joined two treasure hunting groups, the Oak Island Association and Antique Gold Salvage. However, after hundreds of years, no one has been lucky enough to find the wealth said to be worth billions of dollars on the island.At the end of World War 2, the Nazis are said to have buried precious treasures including many diamonds, gold, silver, works of art… at the Alpine fortress in the southern mountains of the country.However, no one knows the exact location of the extremely valuable treasure buried in the Alpine fortress area. Therefore, the mountains of southern Germany become an attractive location for many treasure hunters.Over the years, treasure hunters have conducted many searches in the above area but have not yet made any positive discoveries. Photos in this article are for illustration purposes only.

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