Cases of accidentally discovering ancient treasures under the sea

Up to now, there have been many times when divers accidentally discovered ancient treasures filled with rare gold coins with high historical value in the depths of the giant ocean.

Accidentally discovering treasure under the sea

Discovered 2,000 ancient gold coins

In early 2015, amateur divers found an ancient treasure with more than 2,000 gold coins weighing up to 6kg dating back thousands of years off the coast of the port city of Caesarea, Israel.

These gold coins will provide valuable archaeological evidence from the Fatimid period, around the 10th-11th centuries, said Kobi Sharvit, director of Israel’s maritime archeology unit.

“Ancient treasure” of 2,000 gold coins was discovered in Israel. (Business Insider photo).

The divers initially thought they discovered toy coins, but they later brought the gold coins to archaeologists for examination.

Archaeologists then used metal detectors and discovered large quantities of gold coins around the area where divers first found the coins. The divers handed over all the coins they found to the research agency.

Found an ancient treasure full of gold coins

In July 2015, a group of amateur treasure hunters in Florida (USA) suddenly found a gold treasure trove of extremely rare Spanish coins, valued at about 4.5 million USD.

In a surprising coincidence, the time of discovery of the above treasure was right on the 300th anniversary of the entire ship carrying the gold treasure that sank during the fateful voyage from Havana to Spain, according to the New York newspaper. Post.

“Ancient treasure” of 350 gold coins was recently recovered in Florida. (Photo 1715 Fleet-Queens Jewels).

The above amount of gold was found off the coast of Vero Beach, Florida on July 30, with the assistance of the salvage company 1715 Fleet-Queens Jewels, which owns the rights to this shipwreck.

Company owner Brent Brisben said the treasure was being transported to the Spanish king when it sank. A total of 350 gold coins were found, including 9 extremely rare coins, called royal 8 escudos coins . Before finding these 9 coins, there were only 20 similar coins left in the world, according to the news site Stuff.

William Bartlett, 51 years old, was the diver who discovered the above treasure while working for the ship S/V Capitana of 1715 Fleet-Queens Jewels. The salvage operation took five days, but the gold is only a small part of the treasure that was transported by a fleet of 11 ships in 1715 to Spain, before they were caught in a storm and capsized off the coast. east of Florida.

Accidentally collected gold coins while cleaning trash

In September 2015, the 99 Crew Dive Team divers found ancient treasure in the mud while working to clean up trash on the ocean floor to clean up the water environment in Wellington Harbor.

Rob Wilson – leader of the above diving group said they found 868 gold coins, but the value of this treasure has not yet been determined. In addition, the group of divers also recovered 577 cans, 116 glass bottles, clothes…

Ancient gold coins were brought ashore. (Daily Mail photo).

A member of the diving team said: The money recovered from the sale of this gold will be used to cover costs incurred in cleaning up ocean waste.

This group of divers is responsible for regularly removing waste and cleaning the waters around Wellington harbor. Currently, the group of divers is having to pay for their activities out of their own pocket.

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