Top 10 animals with the strangest and most beautiful shapes in the natural world

The animal world is very diverse and rich. There are creatures that we learn about in books, newspapers, and television shows; There are creatures that have been witnessed with our own eyes ants. However, the creatures in the list below will surprise you with their strangeness and rarity. Let’s explore these creatures through the article below.

1 Spiny beetle

This beetle is quite closely related to the cicada. They have very special and unique motifs and patterns on them. Some people will mistake them for some “strange” flower that accidentally strayed into the human world.

An adult beetle is usually green or yellow, sometimes with some red and brown patterns. Normally, the size of one is about 10 mm. The special thing is the thorns growing on their bodies, which not only help them cut fruit to eat but also help them avoid attacks from other predators.

2 Mantis shrimp

The mantis shrimp is a species with a club-like hammer, sharp tip and quite aggressive, often attacking opponents with this club to “crush” the opponent. With a defense like that of a mantis, it is called Mantis Shrimp or a boxer. Mantis shrimp can defeat opponents much larger than them, even large crustaceans equipped with them. Armor like crabs must also “crumble”.

3 Spiny lizard

Spiny lizards , also known scientifically as Moloch horridus, live mainly in the Australian desert regions. Due to harsh living conditions with intense heat, this creature has been given hard scales with spikes on its back, helping it to perfectly camouflage itself in its hunt and escape capture. of the enemy. This special hard scale can also change color from pale to darker when the weather changes from warm to cold.

Spiny lizards have the ability to change their body color and they do it every day. When it gets colder in the early morning and evening, their skin darkens to absorb more solar radiation. But at noon and afternoon, when it is hotter, their skin is light in color to protect against the sun. If you have the opportunity to walk around the sandy desert in Australia and see a thorny creature eating ants, you have probably encountered a spiny lizard .

4 “Striped” hedgehog

“Striped” hedgehogs are insectivores. We can encounter them in the northern and eastern regions of Madagascar. The most prominent features that make the creature listed as a “freak creature” are its long snout, small limbs, and a cluster of black and yellow spikes growing around its body. The thorns contain quite a strong toxin, making them extremely useful weapons to help them escape enemy attacks. To communicate with others, they will rub their fur.

The spines around this animal’s neck are poisonous, so it is used as an attack weapon by this species. Striped hedgehogs ‘ food includes insects, pests and small amphibians. Therefore, striped hedgehogs are considered disease control animals in natural gardens. Striped hedgehogs are of African origin, often living in the northern and eastern tropical forests of Madagascar.

5 Green sea slug

Green sea slugs can swallow jellyfish whole without pain, because under the skin of this species there are plates, which act as barriers, and secrete mucus to protect the green sea slug from the effects of sea slugs. these stings. Not only is it able to protect itself from toxins, it can store this poison for later use. Toxins are “stored” in “fingers” attached to the body. Blue dragons have about 84 “fingers” like that.

When there is not enough food, it can eat anything to survive. Scientists believe that this Glaucus green dragon is more toxic than the Man-O’-War jellyfish. So when you come across these beautiful sea slugs, stay away and don’t use your hands to directly catch it.

6 Saiga antelope

Saiga antelope is also known by its scientific name Saiga tatarica. This is a mammal in the Bovidae family, order Artiodactyla, described by Linnaeus in 1766. Today, the number of this species is decreasing very rapidly and is at a red alert level. The most noticeable special feature of this animal’s structure is the very complex bone structure of its trunk, along with a mucous gland system, thanks to which its nose has the ability to filter dust and warm the air. air before entering the lungs in winter. They appear widely in the Eurasian plateaus.

7 Panda ants

Called an ant, the true “identity” of this creature is a wingless wasp. The main habitat of this ant species is in Central Chile. The females are quite large and look a lot like ants. They wear black and white clothes with spots identical to a panda, so they are called panda architecture . This makes many people mistakenly believe in its adorable appearance without paying attention to its extremely dangerous venom, which can kill with just one sting.

Panda ants have a pair of antennae as sensory organs on their head, 6 legs under their chest and a very hard skeleton. In particular, panda ants possess extremely painful stings, which is why it is known as the “cow killer”. Not only Chile, panda ants also live in many other places around the world, especially hot and dry tropical regions.

8 Bush Viper – Bush Viper

This snake stands out with sharp scales growing all over its body, looking very strange. They can flexibly change their body color to easily hide in the forest without being detected. This snake’s venom is extremely strong, the amount of poison released after each bite can be fatal to an adult. Many people often call them hairy snakes because they think these horny scales are hairs on the body.

Their maximum body length only reaches 73 cm for males and 58 cm for females. Not only does it possess strange scales, this snake also has the ability to change its body color to blend in with its surroundings when it hides from enemies or deceives its prey. Horned snakes live mainly on trees, hiding in foliage in wet areas. Their food is insects, reptiles, and frogs. This animal is considered to have the strangest and most beautiful shape in the natural world.

9 Shoebill stork

The shoe-billed stork is a creature belonging to the bird class, family Balaenicipitidae. They have a rather strange and baggy beak that makes people immediately think of a shoe. An adult reaches a height of 115cm to 150cm, has a wingspan of 230–260 cm and weighs 4–7 kg, while its beak is about 30cm long. This species has been included in the list of birds in need of protection by the International Bird Association. This is a creature that is very friendly to humans. Shoe-billed storks are very skilled at using “wooden shoes” to find prey. They spend most of their time rummaging underwater, this wooden shoe catches everything: from fish, frogs, water snakes, small crocodiles, mollusks, to even corpses in the mud.

Although it catches prey in muddy water, this type of stork mainly relies on sight and hearing to determine where its prey is. Their main way of hunting is to “stand and wait” or “wade and walk slowly”. Because their beaks and heads are bulky, they must regain balance and return to an upright position before making another bite. When they bite the bait, their mouths also grab the neck of the tree underwater. To expel plants, they know how to turn their heads back and forth, tossing plants and trash out while still holding their prey firmly in their mouths.

10 Sea unicorn

The name of this creature makes many people immediately think of myths and think that this creature is completely unreal. However, narwhal – also known as Narwhal, actually exists in our world. They come from the whale and toothfish suborder and are usually medium sized. The narwhal’s habitat and residence is in the Arctic waters around Greenland, Russia and Canada. The special thing is that males always have straight, long and spiral-shaped tusks on the upper left jaw.

In Canada, Eskimos often hunt narwhals. They used small boats to isolate the unicorns before launching spears into their bodies. The size of the narwhal is not too large, so that fishing method is quite effective. Normally, the mass of an adult male unicorn can be up to 1,600 kg while the female has a maximum mass of 1,000 kg. White and black spots are characteristic of their skin. Its tusk length can reach 2 to 3 m.

Nature always hides surprising mysteries. Many animals that exist on Earth are known to humans, but among them there are creatures so strange that we don’t believe they really exist. The natural world is truly vast and contains many mysteries that require humans to constantly explore and learn. Thank you for following the article. See you again in the next articles.

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